@Coleman-Williams and his vocals when he was playing the keys

A Full version of kid again maybe? -
A Full version of kid again maybe?yeah i made a similar post abt this!! wondering if the choir and piano + accompanying strings are part of an acoustic version? or i wonder if there is an extended version w those elements
seems weird to keep in the video if we don’t get them in some sort of final version
whatever the case, i’ll be content w it :)) -
FAVORITE JB BTS VIDEO?man it’s been over a year since i’ve watched those but i think i remember liking guillotine the most—when he’s sitting down at the piano and just singing random words until he forms the lyrics, man just organic creativity right there
The Lost Records@floppyfishstereo sick, i’ll have to check it out :))
Alright Enough of That (Kid Again Theory)yooo that’s so dope?? i’ve heard of jon taking songs off platforms before and then putting them back when he’s releasing new stuff, but we’ll see :))
The Lost Records@floppyfishstereo thank you so much for this—found 17 songs i haven't heard
Podcast with Janko@GabbyW0205 no seriously, i am SO excited for the drop it’s gonna be fire
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essay@GabbyW0205 aw thanks so much
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essay@GabbyW0205 haha we were on the same wavelength!! great points on ur end too i didn’t even think abt that w Weight Of The World
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essayi could totally see you writing something highlighting culture w THC—for example, Morning In America touches on a multitude of things, including America’s drug problem especially w kids in high school, parental problems, high expectations, addiction, etc.
Fashion talks about society’s obsession with materialistic things and possessions; “might be gold, but that shit’s still a chain”
New York Soul - Pt. ii gets into how money isn’t everything contrary to what the world will try to tell you, also the line “i had a conversation with an angel she told me i’d cheat death if i stayed away from the party life” could be expanded on
Woke The F*ck Up also gets into themes about how “we live in an age where everything is staged where all we do is fake our feelings” with the internet and everything seems so disingenuous and unauthentic
Hand Of God - Outro gets into the complexities of grief and the effects that it can have on people and the choices they makeanyway, that’s my two cents! i’d love to see whatever you do decide to write :))
Interviewsi would loveeeee more JB interviews, i have a playlist of 80 videos of what i could find on YT
Interviews@BeautifulMind OMG YESS that would be so dope
ok, something might happen on the 28th. why do you think some of his posts are available till the 28th? what do you think?@stinky-thomas i saw someone suggest that it may be because that’s just the longest you can pin something for—totally plausible either way, we’ll have to see :))
she fell...@kozmikblooz frrr i love Woodstock, one of my favs
Is Testuser1 Jon??@Username oh yeah it is an official i knew that—just wondering who it is that’s running it haha :))
Is Testuser1 Jon?? -
How did y’all discover Jon’s music?@CasperAaron stop that’s actually so funny
i had a similar experience—aside from All Time Low (which i’d only ever heard in edits and hadn’t actually heard the song the whole way thru), Overwhelming was the first song i heard by Jon and at first i was like “wtf is THIS”. i did NOT think it sounded good, but i gave it another shot and i realized it was rlly rlly rlly dope and it grew on me—i’ve f’d w his music since then
All Time Low Sadie’s proposal