@gabriel_ascetic dude yesss. the art, the animation—idk it’s just so insanely intricate and expressive. i adore that show

My heart Art -
My heart Art@gabriel_ascetic yooo another arcane fan?? on the forum??? you're so right
Jon's Old Youtube Burner Account@FrankieFeelsIt oh okay—i wasn't sure if that was confirmed by jon to be him
Jon's Old Youtube Burner Account -
New approach -
pinned until 3/19 analysisi've seen some people suggesting that it means a single will be dropped—i personally think it'll be an announcement of a new single and the new single will be coming the Friday of that same week
CONFIRMED NEW MUSIC FRIDAY (MAYBE)@enzomayworm if not this Friday i wholeheartedly believe when he drops something it will definitely be on a Friday!!
CONFIRMED NEW MUSIC FRIDAY (MAYBE)@kkirby20 New Music Friday is a playlist compiled by Spotify of new releases from artists on Friday and it updates every Friday. so i unfortunately don't think that means music from Jon this friday—he was just explaining what that playlist was
CONFIRMED NEW MUSIC FRIDAY (MAYBE)@enzomayworm im pretty sure thats the case too
Father Figure Album Cover?@its_nat07 i love his past album covers though <33
Father Figure Album Cover?he’s answered a few questions regarding the artwork and has said it is straying away from the fantastical themes he’s had in the past, so the album cover will most definitely look different than it has previously
Guesses on how many tracks the album is? -
Iceland -
No more mystery -
Why Kid Again was taken down... I thinkomg…lowkey i see that. but KID AGAIN has grown on me a ton, so whatever Jon’s doing w it i’m content w it
ALBUM RELEASE DATE GAME@Jaxson-Jean yoo sick we had a very similar take!!
ALBUM RELEASE DATE GAME@kozmikblooz right i have no clue