The acoustic version of human still fucks me up

Fav Acoustics? -
so what’s the sitch!?If you want a quick rundown you could check out @User12261990 this is JB himself.
The shortened version is that everyone thought he was dropping the album last friday but it didn't happen, so now everyone is in despair praying for him to post anything. Pretty sure he could post an eggplant emoji and people would go crazy for it lmao
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨I'd love it if Jon did just a couple shows in europe, 2/3 nights where people travel the continent to see him. Then he could go back to the US so he doesn't have to miss his family too long
Shooting my shot for fianceIf this happens we really do live in the best timeline
Underrated JB PodcastDUUUDE how did I not know about this? Yt should know I'm a huge fan at this point lmao
Adult SwimThis is one of my favorite songs of him, I really love it when he raps and these bars are just insane
Let’s Begin Physics Problem?Okay idk how I found this after 4 days but this physics problem has always bothered me so much! I studied physics and really wanted to solve it, but I could never decipher it to make any sense at all
Morning in America DANNY PHANTOM@fallingmiraculou I DO HEAR IT!!! Pretty sure it's just coincidence but it's really funny
The songs he producedI remember when I first found out Jon produced a lot of songs from checking the credits on memories by maroon 5. After that it felt like all my favorite songs somehow had Jon Bellion in the credits, I once had a conversation with an avid Jason Derulo fan and told him I never really got into his music but loved trumpets and guess who I found in the credits.
This man is everywhere and it genuinely feels like he was there guiding me through the entire journey I took to discover my taste in music. Does anyone else share this experience or is it just me?
(Side note: I'm pretty sure I damaged my ceiling from jumping so high when I found out he was working with Lawrence)
Morning in America DANNY PHANTOMIf two people heard it, I have to check too right? I'm gonna put it on loop all night later tonight just to make sure
“PRANK EM JON”Welp I guess that's me so...
We need the beautiful mind chain!YES!!! I'd pay my life savings if I had to
The hole inside my heart is stupid deepSame here, quietly crying at work today and checking this forum every 20 minutes lol
Group chat-what songs are u listening to right now of Jon’s?@CM3Tactic I listen to that video every day on the bicycle. I got YouTube premium just so I can listen to it on my phone ad free lmao
KID AGAIN disappeared off SpotifyPretty sure it's done so the single "kid again" doesn't have to share streams with the song on the album. To me at least it's a pretty good indication that the album is coming