I actually don't mind waiting, I'm getting more and more hyped by the day. anticipation is still rising here

He can’t keep getting away with this -
Have you ever travelled?Been all over europe and went to Curaçao once. It's very good for your mental to have a change of scenery every once in a while, if you ever go to europe and want to see some beautiful architecture I highly recommend the the Czech republic! Brno and Prague are absolutely beautiful cities
Anyone still playing snake?Daaamn here I was being proud of my highscore of 26, mobile has a slight delay though so I'm gonna blame that
What if......I think I'd stop listening lmaoo you can't bait an entire fanbase that hard.
But if Jon drops the album in april he does have a chance to Rick roll everyone on april 1st. what are we gonna do, not click the link he just posted?
Am I crazy?I see a lot of people that are from the US on here, majority even living in ney york lmao. I don't think I've seen more than 2 people mentioning they're from europe. Where my european homies at
and what part of Europe are you from? I'm from the Netherlands
How we holding up?@Isaac dude I love cory Wong! Some of his music feels like a massage for your ears lol
Reminiscing on my vinylsMan that sucks... I'm trying to buy them rn and they're just way too expensive (especially because I'm european) so I can imagine this stings
How we holding up?Just another post checking in.
Is everyone doing okay? Hope the sun is out wherever you are
I've been feeling super grateful to have this forum to call my little corner of the internet and thought I might as well be more active lol
So I'm curious, are you currently just playing JB on repeat or are you discovering new artists right now?
What other artists have you found that remind you of Jon's music?
Please use this post to just shitpost any and all questions and stories that you feel like, I'd like to get to know some people from the community. -
Jon's Old Youtube Burner AccountWait huvy was Jon? Lol I was always kinda conflicted about listening bc it felt like someone re-uploaded his stuff
Birthday/zodiac signMay 31st, Gemini
New approach@N-R-G-B-M I'm don't know too much about the kpop scene but I'm pretty sure Jon means he posts the album here first so the diehard fans hear everything first, and then after a day or so he drops officially. Basically leaking it himself so we can listen to it early
About mah's joint@OverwhelmMe don't worry you're not hijacking this post, I'm really sorry for your loss and. I honestly thought I was being a bit dramatic when writing this so I'm glad (?) that I'm not alone in this. It's crazy how different a song can feel after a certain experience. Hope you and your family are doing well now 🩵
About mah's jointThis song really touches my soul. It tries to embrace me with memories but some of those memories still have thorns on them.
ONLY MONARCHS FOR ALBUM@LaurenGrant21 that's so disrespectful omg hahahaha
New approachEveryone, gentlemen's agreement to not leak anything right now 🫱
About mah's jointThis is gonna be a bit if a rant so bear with me.
When I first heard the GSP album I was blown away by every song, it all just clicked like it should've. But I had this feeling that I never understood what mah's joint was about. This beautiful track with the legendary Quincy Jones and I just didn't get it.
About 5 years later and I usually don't really listen to it anymore, it's on but it's background noise type of stuff which I always thought was kind of strange for my brain to filter it out like that since it's an amazing track.
Then in 2023 my own mom passes away very unexpectedly and I immediately knew that mah's joint was an off limits song. I had like a year of weekly therapy and after that year I thought "I can probably understand it better now."
@User12261990 WTF DID YOU CREATE?
Dude a whole year of therapy later and that shit still tears me apart. It's been another year and I just had the same experience last Saturday, it would've been her 50th birthday so it felt fitting. I'm still shook by what that song makes me feel.Sorry for the huge rant but I had to get it off my chest somewhere.
TLDR: GSP is a 9 track long album for me
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?There's one Jon Bellion song where it should actually be illegal not to dance and that's guillotine. For sure my favorite song of any artist.
OASIS Single@FrankieFeelsIt wait I deleted Instagram, what lyrics??
How Did Yall Discover Jon?@BeastPigSweg a friend of mine played all time low at a party, I asked who the artist was and the first track I randomly put on the next day was for the dreamers. That was ot, I was instantly hooked