Someone check in on @LuvJB85 if they got their fruits and veggies now that jon posted again lmao

No more mystery -
App?My phone has a functionality to save websites as an app and the format works really well on smartphone. I only use the forum on my phone in place of all other social media
Catch me up!@Noee oh if this whole thing is an april fools joke I think he loses all his fans at once lmao, this is definitely real
Who else is waitin ???@LuvJB85 you can follow him and enable email notifications when he drops, that way you'll never miss it
Scattered Thoughts Vol. 1Dude I wish I was online like that back then, the scattered thought mixtape is so sick especially considering it's the first music he released.
Who else is waitin ???@LuvJB85 wow wow wow slow down there, you gotta eat your meals! You need energy to jump through the roof when jon actually drops something
I owe Jon $1.50I love this post omfg hahaha
Where is everyone from?The Netherlands
Just checking in!Everyone still doing good apart from waiting for more news? Hope all your life's are going great right now!
I'll be listening to mah's joint on repeat this weekend for all the wrong reasons so you guys better have a great weekend in my stead
FeaturesIf tori kelly and Lawrence aren't on this album I'd be surprised tbh. They seem to actually be close and they're all so incredibly talented. Plus I would love another song like young gun, that slapped
Cautionary Tales...that fire baseline...One of my favorites is oddly enough the awkward long silence in an immigrant. I never really heard anyone talk about how fun it is to expect a drop and right when you think "tf is going on?" It drops and it goes so hard
Catch me up!No real updates from jon or the team, we're making this place our little corner of the internet though so it feels like the mood is pretty good overall
WHAT IS HAPPENINGI can't believe @Isaac is at it again. Someone give this man a burger next time lmao
Jon's EU tourLet's be real, he hated touring and he has a family to be with so he's not gonna do a full europe tour, however if he did want to come I hope it'd be in the form of 1 or 2 big shows in strategic cities (like Berlin and Madrid) so people can travel to see him instead of him needing to go to 15 countries in 3 weeks.
Idk he's just talked about how much he hated touring and I imagine he'd hate being away from his kids even more. So with that in mind I'm hoping for maybe 1 weekend of having jon in europe
What are your guy's thoughts on this, are you hoping for a full blown world tour or is 1 show enough?
Something on my mind@Jaxson-Jean I'm so thankful for this comment, you definitely articulated my point betten than I did lol
Something on my mindI feel kinda bad for saying this and I get if you disagree but I feel like we're getting carried away with superfan stuff. Like some of the things I read would shock me if it was written about me, and that's kinda the standard I like to apply for everything.
"Would I be weirded out by this if it was about me?" And if the answer is yes you probably shouldn't post it.
Again I kinda feel like an asshole saying this and maybe Jon doesn't mind it anymore but he's been an artist that is pretty adamant against fans having para social relations with him.
TLDR: Let the artist be an artist and not your imaginary husband or bff.
What you guys do for a living?I do al the physics/biology/chemistry experiments at a high school. I only teach the first 2 years since teaching 3 classes to 6 years worth of students is impossible. Very very fun job and it keeps you young too! Also it helps I don't teach in america so no big danger of school shootings
Cove City on YoutubeThat video is probably the best yt video ever uploaded, imo that is how music should sound and feel
MR BELLION... explain!This feels like something that if any other artist did it, no one would think twice about it. But JON WHAT DOES IT MEAN?? I'm not gonna dive into the rabid hole again (for now) because the last cake was a lie but
How would you rewrite Human?Man I had like 3 huge drafts that I decided not to send, this is such a difficult question to answer.
I think it definitely comes down to me not having enough to write about, since I would never dare to touch the chorus but thinking about frustrations in the theme of human is next to impossible.
The emotions conveyed in that song are really unique to a certain period in a lot of people's lives, but to me airing out those frustrations after the fact would be a disservice to the art