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What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?
The switchfoot collab broke my heart and re-build it so many times. I couldn't stop listening. So, though no JB original, it has become my favorite song
deadass an impossible question but ok lmao lately JT has been hitting way harder and the production behind the track is also just insane. i was going through a really dark period of my life when GSP came out and it really helped me come to terms with all the craziness that was happening.
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind Mine is Hand of God - Outro. It's such an epic conclusion to THC and I love how all the songs come together
@BeautifulMind Honestly it’s hard to pick just one. But if I had to, the song that had the most impact on me is Maybe IDK. I was struggling really bad with my faith around the time I got ahold of THC, and also newly diagnosed with kidney failure. The lyrics didn’t hit me at first, it was just the raw energy. I was a school bus driver and I used to sing for the kids and they would give me requests when I told them the artist of the day, and one girl picked Maybe IDK. So I sang it and as she was getting off the bus, she was crying and she said,”thank you for singing that for me. I love your voice.” And I said you’re welcome. That’s what I hope music can be for everyone: being seen.
@HandOFGod777 Hello fellow Hand Of God enjoyer
Luxory.. it was my intro into Jon’s music
@HandOFGod777 Hello fellow Hand Of God enjoyer
@HandOfGod aye! He full ate on that track! But I mean, since when is bro not serving up full sized meals? Tori’s whole album is
In my beautiful mind, is a recipe, check your set degrees before you check for me, freezing cold electively
Electrically fire on the ground as i rest in peace
The Memory of Testing the limits of what your Yes can B
-Gambit tha Aternal -
JT for sure. That song is INSANE
STUPID DEEP! Dropped it at the right time and at a moment in my life where I needed to hear those words. I had never and might ever feel that way about a song again.
I really love Good Things Fall Apart. It’s sad but so real and raw.
Maybe IDK has to be my favorite with the unfathomable number of times I’ve listened to it at this point. This song felt like when you are asking “why” all the time and a parent comes in to explain that it really isn’t about us and it’s taking the gifts that God gave us and trusting that if we put in that work to cultivate and grow our offering to Him, we will fulfill the purpose He gave us.
as someone who moved 2,000 miles away from home to pursue my career, newyorksoul has always been one that just so perfectly hits that homesickness that never goes away, and it will always be a favorite.
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind I think crop circles - I just thought it was so groovy
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind for artists like Jon, who I longingly wait to release new music, there is only one song that is my fave … and that is the next release.
First - we have to recognize where the artists energy is right now. They are throwing everything they have into their future endeavors.
Second - while die hard fans love the oldies / rarities, that is not usually where the artists mind is. They are creators and are not looking to repaint a masterpiece. Again it is about what’s to come.
Third - there are certain artists that never disappoint - and it’s not because they have a “perfect formula” - it’s because they never stop evolving and growing. That is why @User12261990 is limitless - he sets no boundaries, there are no rules, and he follows where his mind and heart take him.“gorilla dad dawg spirit”
I have to give it to A Haunted House. With a quick look at his whole discography, that song sticks out to me as a MUST have. All the others I could debate about, but A Haunted House is so special to me for some reason. Might be because I connect to the lyrics or the mood shift once it plays creates a moment of peace. Whatever the reason is... I can't really place my finger on why it's my favorite, but it has been and always will be. ^^
It's all because of Jesus. Well done, welcome to Glory Sound Prep ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪