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What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?
My all time favorite has to be Crop Circles or Blu or actually the entire GSP album. My current favorite is the Meant to Live cover. It gives me chills and brings involuntary tears every time. Something about the strings and those chords. No one does it like JB.
Good things fall apart is my all time favorite…There’s no way you can listen to it and not have your mood altered for the better. Blu acoustic is my second favorite, sometimes favorite depending on the day…It should be illegal for the opening lines to be that good, “messing with my pride thinking anytime you could just get up and go. Then I realize what the hell is love when you’re in complete control?” Wise words right there. Putting on this song on when I’m frustrated with loved ones definitely has helped me take a breath and find a better perspective. And to know Lawerence was helping out with the vocals/instruments. Gotta love it.
Your whole life’s in the hand of God.
For me it definitely changes throughout time, I’ll get stuck on a song here and there. Kid Again really did something to me when it dropped, I listened to it every single day. But, currently I’ve been obsessing and crying a lot to Mah’s Joint. My grandmother has severe alzheimer’s disease and my uncle, who was her sole care taker, passed away suddenly from a heart attack last year and my mother had to take over the care of her mom. It’s been the hardest thing to watch my grandma fade away into the shell of herself that she is now, and even harder to watch the my own mother struggle with the pain of having to take care of her mom. Mah’s Joint is a beautiful representation of what it’s like to love someone who has some form of dementia. Thank you Jon for this song.
Im not sure if demos count, but it is 1990 for so many reasons. ONE: I feel like a badass playing a deep cut demo. TWO: The Bounce and playfulness of the groove is unmatched THREE: It has the "kid again" effect where you can just listen to it on repeat and with every listen it you get deeper and deeper into the groove.
Beautiful Mind
New album goana screw up y’all’s lists bwa ha ha ha ha
It has to be Overwhelming for me. Jon was here in New Zealand in 2019 and I was lucky enough to have just immigrated here a few months earlier. I tried learning as much of all the songs so I could sing with and when he did Overwhelming he made eye contact with me and bam! New favorite song, before then it was Guillotine. But love love all his songs.
The switchfoot collab broke my heart and re-build it so many times. I couldn't stop listening. So, though no JB original, it has become my favorite song
deadass an impossible question but ok lmao lately JT has been hitting way harder and the production behind the track is also just insane. i was going through a really dark period of my life when GSP came out and it really helped me come to terms with all the craziness that was happening.
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind Mine is Hand of God - Outro. It's such an epic conclusion to THC and I love how all the songs come together
@BeautifulMind Honestly it’s hard to pick just one. But if I had to, the song that had the most impact on me is Maybe IDK. I was struggling really bad with my faith around the time I got ahold of THC, and also newly diagnosed with kidney failure. The lyrics didn’t hit me at first, it was just the raw energy. I was a school bus driver and I used to sing for the kids and they would give me requests when I told them the artist of the day, and one girl picked Maybe IDK. So I sang it and as she was getting off the bus, she was crying and she said,”thank you for singing that for me. I love your voice.” And I said you’re welcome. That’s what I hope music can be for everyone: being seen.
@HandOFGod777 Hello fellow Hand Of God enjoyer
Luxory.. it was my intro into Jon’s music
@HandOFGod777 Hello fellow Hand Of God enjoyer
@HandOfGod aye! He full ate on that track! But I mean, since when is bro not serving up full sized meals? Tori’s whole album is
In my beautiful mind, is a recipe, check your set degrees before you check for me, freezing cold electively
Electrically fire on the ground as i rest in peace
The Memory of Testing the limits of what your Yes can B
-Gambit tha Aternal -
JT for sure. That song is INSANE