@FrankieFeelsIt oh I do too! Let’s go bananas for this new music (I hate myself)
@FrankieFeelsIt oh I do too! Let’s go bananas for this new music (I hate myself)
This is the time we all dreamed of🩷 might have to get me a pair!!! but we are READYYYYYY
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 Either way, I am THERE!
Fans first. Always.
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 id love that but id also love for your music to kick every day radio bs ass
Whatever you’re spit ballin, we’ll spit shake on it
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 so insane! Truly going against the grain could not be any cooler. Love this idea
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
Everyone, gentlemen's agreement to not leak anything right now 🫱
I think I'm headed in the right direction
Everyone, gentlemen's agreement to not leak anything right now 🫱
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 I like the idea - let's do it!