@Jb_artist69 my DAW is humans these days. 3 computers running sometimes with monsters behind them. I like producing producers. teddy Riley the best of all time.

What do you want to dive in on -
What do you want to dive in on@Austin-scott great question. I use Manny for my personal music, he mixed the whole next record. I like how he builds on what I build entirely. I like delivering songs at 90 percent and having manny just do his magic by realizing the already templated direction I set. It’s NEVER good to say “the mixer will make this sound good when he gets his hands on it”
It has to sound good before you send in my lowly opinion. Sometimes they reinvent it and show you a new approach that’s even better than what you thought was already perfect. But that’s a rare bonus, not an expectation. Make the song you wanna send to the world BEFORE mixing.
What do you want to dive in on@Derrian-Berry he more specific!
What do you want to dive in on@offaperry they comin
What do you want to dive in on@Snooze the entire ending track on the album is a rip off a sauna building YouTube video. Hhahahaahahahaha I’m excited to reference all the samples.
What do you want to dive in on@whoevenisemily hahaahahhahaah
What do you want to dive in on@YEE this coming album sonic approach is all homage to early music but sort of launching it into the future. I heard some kid talk about “unc shit” referring to older hip hop loops and I was like oooo wanna implement as many drum loops as I can now. Hahahaha nothing is old and nothing is new. Everything is presentation.
What do you want to dive in on@dontforgetaboutme that’s the web team, I just be letting them know what I like and don’t like! Hahahah shout out Wally and crew!
What do you want to dive in on@duopy we trying my G lol hopefully you see this
What do you want to dive in on@user1234 this will sound too simple , but I’ve never been technically sound. I failed all my engineering classes at five town college. My rule is and always will be, if I like how it sounds other people will too. I don’t know how to read music either
my production has always morphed because of this. No rules. Sometimes I’m very hands on playing everything other times I’m just directing a couple people in the room. I’m not really proving a point if I’m working for other people, I’m just trying to help them realize their vision and help get them there, if it’s for myself I’m trying to beat other producers and writers into submission hahahaha different approaches for different situations
What do you want to dive in on@Derrian-Berry don’t worry my G, when we do the big one you’ll know. Especially if your email is signed up. Trust.
What do you want to dive in on@GSP-Graduate man I still don’t even know how to put on a live show hahahaaha i just jam with the band until I’m like I think people will like this and have fun. When I feel that I lock it in the performance hahaha
What do you want to dive in on@mmaniscalco a lot of these making ofs for this album would just be me directing multiple people in a room and long discussions on approach. I plan on releasing them, but I’ve lost a lot of my love for doing everything alone. Producing producers is more of my wave now. It’s all being ran through my taste and final say. Like I said I produce producers at this point. Getting the best out of my collaborators is the new chase.
What do you want to dive in on@sabrinacombs19 sound design to song is such a mixed bag. I’m always trying to make you feel MORE of what I’m feeling making it. So sonically I’m searching for layers and sounds that if the song is aggressive I want you to feel that way too. Sounds obvious but everything needs to be intentional. Sometimes keeping it 2-4 sound max keeps the performance more emotional, it all just depends on the song.
What do you want to dive in on@Matt-Tomorrow27 vocal chain truly depends on who’s in the chair recording me at this point. The chain also changes depending on the production. I used to have a formal chain always but now I’m kinda like, if I like how I sound I don’t ask questions. I also wait until the song is more realized before I even care about how it’s sitting in a song.
What do you want to dive in on@GSP-Graduate funny enough lately I been doing so much more of a full voice vocal that I’m actually doing harms less. I love my lead sound on this new record but when I stack it for some reason my taste has been against stacking too many harms. They gotta be wild tasteful. Earlier songs I used to fill with harmonies to give off a fuller sound not necessarily add to the emotion. Now I only add harms unless it aids the emotional intention? Hard to explain lol love a good harm in general though.
What do you want to dive in on@DreamingInBraille love that. Start rifling off some specific production or writing questions I’m down to nerd out
What do you want to dive in on@kendallevan17 being a present father is 80 percent of the work. You’ll find out what you need to change about yourself if your around the kids enough. They’ll expose your shortcomings FAST. Hahahaha
WOOOHOOOO@driftking you would be shocked how much I don’t listen to other music haha I have comfort albums I have loved my whole life that I always rinse and repeat (band of horses cease to begin for example) but when I listen to new new new music Friday stuff I’m more like looking at it under a microscope. Rarely am I affected like I was when I was much younger hearing new artists.
Hope your well!
WOOOHOOOO@inferno3435 see what you did there