Hey. Welcome to the forum. We’re in mixing and mastering now.

Thank you for being so patient these years.
Hang tight.
MERCH CHECK INMy day today is packed with finishing a ton of new pieces. This new shit so ELEVATEDDDDDDD the music TOOOO HARDDDDDD !
No more mysteryThere is no more “mystery” because im ready to be “seen” again. This first single is around the corner and the shit is OASIS in 2077. And when I say around the corner I mean don’t worry verbatim from my mouth. When the first one drops it’s a roll out. No back and forth. NMF sounds like a graveyard and I’m excited. Really really thankful for y’all.
We’re close.A lot closer than you think. Engines purrrrrrin.
New approachI’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
Making OfsI’ve decided to approach these making ofs differently this go around, a lot of the footage is macro and raw; like longer clips of the actual tediousness of some of it, had cameras on for a lot of the process.
IcelandWe filmed in Iceland with the same crew from game of thrones for this new one. Not a single green screen or AI bit was used in any of it. There’s an ice tunnel moment that I actually told the editors to maybe make less high def cuz the shot looks actually fake
froze my ass off but so worth it.
WOOOHOOOODesigning this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
Working on this record….It was an odd experience making this music. Being completely void of social media and no streaming on my phone I’m wildly interested to see what this body sounds like against new music Friday or something
ICELANDAlso, the fact that yall sleuthed me down in ICELAND while I was shooting (insert single name here) video gives me anxiety. I climbed a mountain in spike boots, yall knew before I got back on the ground. In what world. Lmao
PRODcan’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
This is BM social mediaI haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
classic reworkbrand new pieces and ideas incoming at shows obviously but we thought it would be sick to bring back the classic for the OGs Ha
What do you want to dive in onCategories will consistently change depending on the roll out. But if their is a category yall would want to have me speak on or interact with (ex: sonic approach, lyric explanation, intention and purpose of certain songs, equipment used, DAW details, Synth parameters, vocal presets, sample references, mix intentions, vocal approaches) suggest them here.
something is happening -
California Eyes!!!!!Bruh I made that almost 8 years ago lmao I’m so sorry for starving y’all like this hahahahaha
This has probably been asked, but what happened to the GSP animated series?It’s the most on it’s ever been! I work on it in seasons. The story and world building is a process along with setting it up properly for success. The streaming and content landscape changes so fast I just wanna make sure where ever it’s parked it gets the best look.