@Brybrid7 I’m sending so much love you guys’ way ️

go listen to "SuperVillianThemeMusic"@kozmikblooz it’s actually in his unreleased catalogue in the google drive folder someone so graciously sent here. He’s def on it
3 artist that describe your personality....@kozmikblooz
Jon Bellion
Louis Tomlinson
Melanie Martinez -
No more mystery@User12261990 we’re so proud of you Jon! So so so so excited 🥹
We've waited 6 years...@KteriN trust me, I’m being patient. I just can’t handle the forum because there are multiple posts a day and people are either posting about things I have no interest in or wailing about how they’re dying without the album and whatever and I’m just not that kind of fan.
Cautionary Tales...that fire baseline...@AmyMarie the end instrumental progression for Luxury with Audra
Something on my mind@notsobasic I 100% agree. I think that’s why I only come online like once or twice a day because I feel like I’m not really connecting with a lot of people on the forum because I’m approaching my love for Jon’s art differenty
Lent@FrankieFeelsIt that’s another one I can’t really apply to me because I barely eat sweet treats as it is
Lent@mrkitty aw love that! That’s a great approach to it. You got this
Lent@AmyMarie nothing is trivial as long as you know that taking it away makes space for you to connect with God more. I’m cheering you on!
Lent@cbarr14 oooo that is gonna be hard but also soooo good for you in the end once you commit. All the best!
LentJon is a Christ follower and I assume that a couple of us are as well so happy Lent to you all
I wanted to know if anyone is giving anything up? If yes, and you mind sharing, what is it/are they?
I’m having a hard time trying to think of what to sacrifice because I don’t even mindlessly scroll on social media. My screen time is high because of the various things I use but my highest number is instagram which is 2 hours a day and YouTube because I listen to ASMR to sleep (so it doesn’t count). I’m looking for suggestions.
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????TTS: For The Dreamers
TS: Kingdom Come
TD: Human
THC: Hand of God/Morning in America
GSP: Stupid Deep/JT/The Internet -
I feel like most of us are in our 20s lol ...@FrankieFeelsIt same here! To the point that Halloween just came on and I still know every line and vocal run he does exactly
JB Guessing GameI’m currently doing some self-care and I have Jon’s whole catalogue on shuffle trying to see if I can guess the song from the opening chord (or 5 secs in some cases). It’s pretty fun! For those who are bored you can try that.
Edit: my mom just came to me for something and said it sounds like 10 of us singing in here LMAO (it’s just me)
Pre-Occupied@Zeonder I don’t actually know a lot of Lawrence but I know that song so I’m gonna check it out. Thank you!
Edit: just watched the BTS and the live performance in New York and wooowwwwww I am now a supporter!
Boredom@KjellyBean same same same
Pre-OccupiedI just rewatched the video of Jon making pre-occupied after years of not seeing it and it just reminds me how talented he really is. It’s one of my fav songs from him and just the process from a simple drum sequence to vocals to the lyrics is soooo good!
(Reposting to put in the right place)
Jon should write a book@FrankieFeelsIt honestly don’t think he would. Plus people would record and post it on Reddit or other places