@User12261990 we’re so proud of you Jon! So so so so excited 🥹

No more mystery -
Petition to formally release 1990@Amariez10585 it’s still on YouTube. I just listened to it an hour ago for the first time. Major bop.
ONLY MONARCHS FOR ALBUM@LuvJB85 thanks so much
️ I really appreciate it. I hope your day has been better.
Stupid deep@Amariez10585 hey the line is “and the love I fought to feel was always free”
BM window sticker@KjellyBean I NEED IIITTTTT
I didn’t know!Making this thread for anyone else who has been discovering that this amazingly talented man wrote certain songs. My discovery was Loved By You. I knew he wrote Holy but dang!!
Jon should write a book@FrankieFeelsIt I love this. Louis from 1D has one called “All of Those Voices” and it’s soooo good in understanding him as a person and inner thoughts and BTS stuff for things we only see on the outside as fans”
Best/worst songs on Glory Sound Prep?@Isaac I relate a lot to this
I didn’t know!@Isaac honestly! And his style is so noticeable too. I feel like I hear a song and think “hmmm this sounds like a Bellion” and it is
that happened with this one this evening.
I didn’t know!@K4590c I’m absolutely gonna do that. Thank you
Lets say you and Jon were face to face. what would you do. be honest.I’d hug him and tell him how much he means to me but at some point of that I know I’d start crying. I’m not the type to scream in people’s faces but my excitement would be evident in my nerves
Recruiting BellionairesI just asked two of my friends to indulge me on my love for Jon so they said i should give them two songs to listen to. I suggest my two favs (Stupid Deep and Human) so hopefully they like them. I wanted to suggest Hand of God which is really my second fav but I don’t think they’d get how much of a masterpiece it is without knowing the songs on the album.
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?Human hands down. Beautiful, raw, honest. Exactly how I feel. Also the acoustic made me cry.
Group chat-How is everyone doing?@Amariez10585 hey Amariez! My week hasn’t been amazing but it’s much better than last week. Thanks for asking
hope you’ve been too. I also had gotten all messages cleared at some point but there are a lot of us here who talk at diff times of day so I’ve accepted I won’t read everything. I also remind myself that Jon didnt intend for us to be using this the same way we use other social media so I don’t wanna be obsessively on one reading these messages.
something is happening@User12261990 JONATHAN BELLION OH MY GOSH
so emotional all day....@kozmikblooz sending you hugs 🫂 I’ve also been in my feels today
No notifications??This feels so rare LMAO
Called It Right x Waffle HouseDoes anyone hear the similarity between Jon’s unreleased “Called It Right” and the chorus for Waffle House that he wrote for The Jonas Brothers? They’re both scratching my brain in a similar way
Morning in America DANNY PHANTOM@fallingmiraculou I’m gonna listen again and let you know what I think
Edit: I actually hear it. It’s the vocal crescendo when the theme song starts
Called It Right x Waffle House@Isaac it’s the same key but it’s also the same delivery. I’m wondering if he sampled that song or the vibe of it to produce Waffle House. They’re both kinda punchy and “DA DA DA DA”