First gen Haitian and Jamaican here! Glad to see fellow Caribbean Bellionaires out here

Caribbean/Black Bellionaires -
A "Thank You Jon!" ThreadSo idk if this was already done on here before, but I just wanted to do a little "Thank You" thread for Jon, if that's okay.
I'll start:
Thank you [Mr. Bellion sir] for getting me through some of the hardest most toughest times of my life. I discovered you around 2016 when I moved to a new state as a teen, knowing only 3 people in that town and feeling pretty lonely, but your music kept me company. Fast forward to 2019, you helped me get through my first heartache, through the pandemic in 2020, (especially with that concert/VIP moment) and all the way up until now where I currently haven't been able to work for 4 years now due to battling a matter what tho your music has always been there to get me through it and make me feel ALIVE throughout it all.
And ik we are all going through things, but it's stuff like this forum for example, or other contributions to the world that feel like other humans are reminding you to keep going in their own special ways, and that truly makes a positive difference.
So thank you Jon! Thank you for existing, for being a huge positive light in my life and everyone's lives and for sharing your gift with the world. We don't deserve you
This Might be a Stretch BUT...Okay Jon so I know you ofc can't say specifics like dates, times, etc.
Can you at least give us a number on a scale from 0 - 10 on how hyped we should be?
0 = "Not soon at all but be patient or we're turning this car around and going home."
1 = "Most likely not this year but stop asking or we're turning this car around and going home."
5 = " We're almost put your seat belt back on or we're-"[Blah blah blah all the way to-]
10 = "Okay everyone out the car. Make sure you have your streaming platforms ready or we're getting back in this car and going home."
So....which is it? No pressure ofc lol
And for anyone else who reads this, how soon do you think we will have our minds blown again?? -
Mah’s Joint Appreciation PostI'm glad you said this bc it really is such an underrated song of Jon's imo as well. The second half of that song makes me fly, and I didn't even know I could float lol
Upvote if you want more than one album -
Jon Bellion Themed Shoes