Okay Jon so I know you ofc can't say specifics like dates, times, etc.
Can you at least give us a number on a scale from 0 - 10 on how hyped we should be?
0 = "Not soon at all but be patient or we're turning this car around and going home."
1 = "Most likely not this year but soon...now stop asking or we're turning this car around and going home."
5 = " We're almost there...now put your seat belt back on or we're-"
[Blah blah blah all the way to-]
10 = "Okay everyone out the car. Make sure you have your streaming platforms ready or we're getting back in this car and going home."
So....which is it? No pressure ofc lol
And for anyone else who reads this, how soon do you think we will have our minds blown again??