Indiana the region! haha 40 min outside of chi town

Where is everyone from? -
HOW DO YALL MAKE MONEY@JunaErickson wow that must be hard and rewarding work, I cannot stress how common addiction is in our line of work
Suggestion for an artist struggling to find their voiceI played trumpet for many years and at a high level in college. I hope this helps but for me I became a much better player when I realized some of my insecurities translated through the horn. What helped was understanding that the love and passion of making art through my instrument is a lot greater than being scared of making a mistake or being rejected because of not being good enough. The truth is we all have gifts and it’s our duty to give them life, not only for you but for others to enjoy. And PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE you got this !!
HOW DO YALL MAKE MONEYIdk why but it’s so cool seeing everyone’s profession, mental health trauma therapist here
WOOOHOOOOMr. Bellion I respect your decision to maybe not wanting to tour or have a massive tour. But if you do Chicago misses you!!!