"I'm on an island where opiates go to rich kids and then they pass away that's called death over the privilege" and "they'll try to sell you short cause their dreams are for sale" I mean the whole thing is a masterclass in artistry

Adult swim -
A bit controversial…I kind of get it and I think there will be a cleaner version. But I like the original the way it is, and I swear it sounds like it gets clearer after he screams "wake up"
HOW DO YALL MAKE MONEYIdk why but it’s so cool seeing everyone’s profession, mental health trauma therapist here
California Eyes!!!!!@Taylor.F123 it’s such a great unreleased masterpiece
Podcast with Janko@GabbyW0205 Right I noticed a small detail how they recognized there is no heat on him. And how they talked about artist having to make sub par music in order to live. But now it seems Jon has total freedom
ONLY MONARCHS FOR ALBUMDad shoes, "fathers are important" the family pic posts, his wife, cant wait to see whats in the album
issues with setting a profile photo@gippit_ I wish I had a good answer cause I had a similar issue, but I ended using a different picture than what I originally wanted
post your cats! i'll start <3 -
New Music this Friday????no way to know but I'm hoping its this Friday!
Procrastination In The Office?I'm just at work looking at the forum instead of working, anyone else doing this?
Kid Again?@YoungGun are you the young gun from the other town?
What is your favorite making of video?Hands down guillotine, it’s my favorite cause I think it shows Jon maturing as an artist, like him not only refining his craft but allowing others talents to add to his. Like the bass player I’m blanking on the name but Jon goes, “I need your funk”. And the little synth part Jon explained what he wanted and trusted the talent of the other musicians
Why Kid Again was taken down... I thinkI like it, I don't think there is nothing wrong with the mix, whether intentional or not. I always find it weird as a wind player in jazz and orchestra we are trained how to serve the music, blend with the others and when to bring out our voice. Today's music goes against a lot of what I am used to, like most songs are just straight bass, like just cut out everything else then. But that's what is standard now. I say this to imply the standard is always moving and what is correct or "sounds good" will always change
religious, spiritual, or just vibing?@inthehandofGod Same I was religious then went my own way and found my way back. Listening to Jon's music before and after has changed completely, really feels like a more surreal and deeper experience than before.
Beautiful Mind HatPls help I have had my beautiful mind hat for at least 6+ years now. The button on top of the hat fell off a while ago. Is there anyone savvy with crafts about how to find a new button and how to put it on? I tried going directly to the manufacture but they did not sell the individual button and finding a matching color is also difficult.
NEW SONG/ALBUMHonestly even just another single from the album would be great
Crush??That’s how I feel about Tori Kelly lol, I heard Thing You Do and some of her worship stuff and when I finally saw her in an interview I was like, “damn I bet she’s married” and I’m pretty sure she is
What movies are u guys interested in seeing this year that haven’t came out yet?@carlasmada there's a new fantastic 4 coming out?
Last track of the album@GabbyW0205 I agree I about cried when I first listened to Hand of God
Last track of the album@GabbyW0205 Awe I'm not much of crier but mahs joint did make me cry, hit very close to home