I really like it, definitely is different in ways from his other stuff but the drums and breakdown still feel like his style to me. I will say I Feel It took a few listens but it really has become one of my favorites. I also like Burna Boy on it too. And I noticed immediately it doesn't sound like its in our standard equal temperament tuning.

"I Feel It" -Thoughts? -
Does anyone have pets?Yes I have a grey tabby cat, and his name is Milo. I still love dogs I grew up having one and his name was Boo
Jon and DunkingWho remembers Jon dunk training, dude is a straight athlete.
@User12261990 can you still dunk!? -
How old are we?😆25 will be 26 soon
What is your favorite making of video?Hands down guillotine, it’s my favorite cause I think it shows Jon maturing as an artist, like him not only refining his craft but allowing others talents to add to his. Like the bass player I’m blanking on the name but Jon goes, “I need your funk”. And the little synth part Jon explained what he wanted and trusted the talent of the other musicians
Procrastination In The Office?I'm just at work looking at the forum instead of working, anyone else doing this?
When is your birthday? I’m a LibraMay 25 Gemini
Blasting Jons music in the car@GabbyW0205 it’s the best vibes
Blasting Jons music in the carCautionary tales, jungle, hand of god, I feel it, they all just hit so different max volume windows down in the summer time
Any Single people here in their 30’sIt would be a nice story to meet your soul mate
Winning Award for Writing paper on Jon’s music@LaurenGrant21 that’s incredible nice job!!
Do you need encouragement? Calling out for help, but hear no noise? There is some noise in here!This resonates so much I also quit all socials in 2020, and I don’t miss it, but this forum is incredible
Midwest Visit When?@jjgirl4797 same I would too, but I think Chicago would be the best spot especially when all this snow and cold is done
Most Outrageous Jon Lyric?“I’m on an island where opiates go to rich kids and then they pass away thats called death over the privilege”
Adult swim -
post your cats! i'll start <3 -
Game of Numbers until User12261990 replies00000025
Any Musicians here?!@Mood_Lofi I’m a jazz musician and I have to agree with the colors, my roommate introduced me to Jon. Listened to THC in one sitting and the pallets of color and texture was just such a new experience it was amazing
Any Musicians here?!Trumpet and piano player here!