Posted this on twitter mere minutes before he showed up in the forum. I'm sad I missed my chance to have a little meme moment on here lol

Forest (they/he)
I think I accidentally summoned Jon -
Anyone here have a weak immune system? I doEDS and POTS here. I've flatlined twice from viruses lol.
(PLEASE wear a mask in crowded spaces, folks! It protects people like me!) -
What do y'all do/study?@maddiepie Woah that's so sick!! What does the nuclear medicine path look like, if you don't mind me asking? I'm super curious!
Unseen Jon vids please ❤️@Zeonder I think I took a few other full song vids at the show. If I can track them down, I'll throw them in a google drive or somethin!
What do y'all do/study?@mrkitty Omg I heavily considered library science! I wound up taking the film route though lol
The children's librarians at my local library completely changed my life when I was younger. You are impacting so many lives through your work -
Where is everyone from?