@User12261990 okayyyy new lyric mention we see you

favorite jon lyric/lyrics. -
Bellionaires what do you do for a living?@jbellionnation this is true
Mah’s Joint Appreciation Post@nicolemonhollen ugh love this for you
Best/worst songs on Glory Sound Prep?@Queenmikaykay I think @jbellionnation might disagree
Definitive Top 10 List of Best Jon Bellion SongsThe order of my top ten may change, but this is it:
- Hand Of God
- Kid Again
- Adult Swim
- New York Soul Pt II
- Blu
- Cautionary Tales
- Woodstock
- Conversations with my Wife
- Run Wild
- The Good In Me
A graphic system inspired by KID AGAIN@BBart11 FOR REAL!!! like i promise i will still buy jon's merch, but im gonna need one shirt of all of these hahaha
A graphic system inspired by KID AGAIN@brandooing oh shut UP I LOVE THIS
Favorite part of Jon’s musicHis music is euphoric. Feels like you’re driving on the highway during sunset with the windows all the way down. No matter what song you’re listening to. The biggest spike of all the dopamine/serotonin. Higher power vibes through him for sureeee
Is Testuser1 Jon??@Username I mean he’s in the admin group and his account says administrator. Idk how much more official one needs to be
Nobody in here understands...@OverwhelmMe yes I made a post about doing that! I’m planning to do a NY area one but we need just a bit of heads up prior to the release so we can plan. Hopefully we know soon!
Interviews@Amariez10585 yes that is hot ones
Interviews@Amariez10585 yes agreed!
Interviews@BeautifulMind oh my god…calling up first we feast immediately. It’s a need @User12261990
Reputation@BeautifulMind see I’m not the only delusional one here
Which song of Jon’s do u listen to the most?I streamed kid again over 400 times in 2024 and probably another 100+ times this year already. So def that one. But hand of god, adult swim and New York soul pt ii are close on the list!
InterviewsJon said in a comment he’d be open to doing more podcasts this time around. Do you guys have any podcasts or interviewers that you’d love to see him be a guest on?
Personally, I know Zach Sang is a huge fan of Jon and he’s interviewed him years ago. I think a 2025 interview with Jon would be sooo great. Especially since Zach usually asks such deep questions and is such a fan of Jon.
That black & white photo you just posted???@Isaac yesss perfect way of putting it!
cwmw <3@User12261990 crazy because I cried immediately upon hearing the teaser. It’s one of my favorites of all timeeee
That black & white photo you just posted???idk if it’s easier if I tag you or if you prefer to lurk and answer, so either way. the pic is fire @User12261990
That black & white photo you just posted???The most recent pic you just put up on insta??? Fire oh my god. Should be the album cover tbh. I have a feeling the album cover is gonna be related to the father figure theme. But yooo that pic goes so hard. Anyways carry on