My personal playlist that I have had for years.
Here is mine! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3yJ5TcetZxv6xkrGmGzbv9?si=yPcnUkSuTcG2MP1dWkSEUQ&pi=PkNl9IiaQ6OUt
JellyBean from space
Love all of these super fire haha
this is my playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7pHDgm1oZoaAPd9WtTbFva?si=o43zGQPrRDWFnPMP1P0T1w&pi=1GfLQ-fUQc-yj
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
Here's mine. This little puppy is the reason Jon dominates my Spotify wrapped. Unfortunately, I always have to settle for watching the little personal video from Quinn XCII. This forum is much better than those videos anyway.
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/68C3Pif24nRvsOy9j86P6z?si=3sPzy_bxTICHSXFEvHRz3g&pi=UnaLf3mHR-ilL -
One i made of jon’s post GSP projects and collaborations:
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3r8kUPMqoHzucswo6GnXb9?si=IztKoVjOSyScUqFNfgG7Ww&pi=HhqNa6b5Tpi7t -
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Af4XVgALRGc1QmKrRS0lz?si=b3685445a0574eeb here's my spotify one, I havent found the time to add every song I want with local files but it gets the job done
Got mine with 5 albums +singles +acoustics and some features.. proud of this one
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/35Wa1Qzn31UigIi5JbkVTK?si=c7eb14f5deb246f4 -
My personal playlist that I have had for years.
@wattsup24 I have so many of them. Including:
"happy jon bellion"
"sad jon bellion"
"angry jon bellion"
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7nNwlNw4zpCOATWtUOw0zV?si=eabaae6041704506&pt=ac0068b1e1894ce267e8fe9aa59d334calways me <3
i try to keep mine sort & brief, most of time i just hit play on the Spotify profile https://open.spotify.com/playlist/74HfmtKqfWaShDxkILtEVc?si=dc93127d3d784062