I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 I never had the opportunity to see you live, I was a kid in 9th grade when I first starting listening to your music. Instantly fell in love. That was 8-9 years ago now. I guess I’m old. At that age, I would grab my longboard after school, put my speaker in my drawstring bag, and go downhill in my little town in Wisconsin. I’d blast shuffle all your songs.
Fast forward now, went to school for welding, failed, went to school for producing(thanks Jon), life got in the way hugely. Almost died mentally and physically. Breakups were met with drowning my sorrows and pain with songs like stupid deep, blu, conversations with my wife, all acoustic, good things fall apart. I didn’t ask you, but I made an edit using stupid deep about my first girlfriend when we broke up to try and win her back.
Still a drummer and have been for about 9-10 years. Jon, your music didn’t just change my life when not making music, allowing me to express those feelings of heart break and true social deprivation, but it helped me also fall so in love with music, just like that girlfriend who shows you true love. Know you’ve got a gift chief. It’s real. Beautiful minds are the minds that thrive by stomping on complacency. Ain’t nobody gone anywhere by sleepwalking to the mundane hopelessness formed from denial of your calling written in your blood, caused by other pained hearts. Depth of thought is key, and the Bible is the key to wisdom of our surroundings, and Jesus is our suffering savior. We relate to him because he is our God. And each foot step of Jesus is felt in every quarter note of your music Jon. At least by me. Even if she’s the reason you’re alone and masterbate lol. Love you man
️ there’s something to be said about the spirit behind music.
@User12261990 you were my first concert. You were the first stone in my foundation I built with God. Your music saved my soul. Thank you for creating this platform. #90s
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 My first time getting to see a live show was also at the same venue where I first heard “Guillotine.” Whoever the DJ was between sets at the concert I was at played it and when I heard it, I Shazammed the hell out of it and had it on repeat for weeks. Fast forward to the concert at the First Bank center and when Hand of God came on, I felt an overwhelming amount of tears and gratitude. That song hits such a pinnacle and hearing it live for the first time was such a blissful moment that I can truly never forget.
I remember little 16-year-old me absolutely BAWLING my eyes out after the Glory Sound Prep tour—it was that powerful. To this day, it remains the best concert I have ever been to. Now, at 22, my love for your music has only grown. I have (nearly) all your albums on vinyl, and you’ve been my top Spotify artist every single year since I was about 14. Your music has been the soundtrack to my life, and I can’t thank you enough for that.
Wow, such a honour to be here. Just thought I'd share my sob story to introduce myself. I became a fan of Jon in 2018 and was supposed to see him in concert in 2019 in Dublin Ireland. I took a bus up from Cork (2 1/2 hours) to meet 10 other friends (who came from Donegal - 3 1/2 hours) who were going to see the concert as well. We go to the ticket office to pick up our tickets and much to our dismay - 9 out of 11 tickets were fakes... There were resellers on the street selling a few more at extortionate prices. 4 people were chosen, I was not one of them. I went to the pub with the others, drank a few pints of water, met up with the 4 after the concert who loved it and got me a t-shirt, got back on the bus to Cork, got into bed at 3 am, got out of bed at 5 am for work, and have patiently waited for the day Jon would come back to Ireland.
This is just way more fun than social media i love it thankyou for making this!
JellyBean from space
I found you & your music through Twenty One Pilots & was immediately drawn in. Your music helped me get through some of the worst seasons of my life (I had been diagnosed w some pretty scary/heavy stuff & it took a MAJOR toll on not just my body but my mind). As I was healing, I used your music as a way to express things I didn't have words for. Then I saw you were extending your Human Condition tour & had a show in my town (no one ever comes to Idaho so it was a BIG deal lol) & IMMEDIATELY went to buy tickets but everywhere was sold out or had crazy high resales - just when I thought there wouldn't be a chance, a local radio station announced a giveaway (for a week) - two tickets & preshow passes. I tried all day every day (so much so, all the DJs knew me by name/number
). I had one day left to try & decided to make a post on IG, tagging the radio station & expressing AGAIN how badly I wanted to go... The week came & went & I didn't win. I was so bummed, so To take my mind off of it, I logged on to IG to doom scroll lol & saw my video gained A LOT of attention - Andy Grammer saw it & jokingly told the station they should help me go to the show - I opened my DMs & saw the station has messaged me. The DJs knew how badly I wanted it & said I had been the only one who tried every day/all week to win , so they held back 2 tickets & 2 preshow passes just in case I didn't win.
The show was absolutely iconic. You played little samples of songs you'd been working on - it felt so surreal to watch your creative process happen in real time, right in front of us (and still desperately want to know if the clips were YOUR songs for GSP or if it was for other artists lol). I really hope I have the opportunity to see you live again, but if I don't, I have some iconic memories to look back on from the 2017 show.Sorry for typing out a short book lol but when am I ever going to get another opportunity to tell a musical genius that his music made such a profound impact in my life? -- for real though, your music has been so important and therapeutic in my life.. I really hope you know you've made such a beautiful impact on ALL of our lives
•There's bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway• (YEE!)
I first saw Jon at Firefly Festival in Dover, Delaware. I want to say it was 2015? I had never heard his music until right before the festival when I was trying to learn the artists more.
I have a love for songwriting but had stopped writing because lyricism in the industry felt ingenuine and I honestly didn’t feel like there was a space for me in. Then I saw JB perform Pre-Occupied to a crowd of mollied up rich white kids (no judgement to them, ya girl made her share of memories too lol)
Seeing an artist clear a path for himself through the insincere thicket of a copy/paste musicians was thrilling and inspiring. I picked music back up and while I never pursued it as a career, it’s been my safe space all these years to express myself.
Thank you for reminding a (then) 19 year old chick that music can be, HAS to be, whatever we need it to be, and that the right people will always listen. Please come back to the wild so we can stop looking like crazy gremlin fans constantly over explaining your writing credits to our friends at dinner and prophesizing your return.
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 i just wanna thank you for being a genuine human being. i truly appreciate this forum and will forever do my best to keep the peace in whatever way i can. you hold a special place in my heart jon because my little brother and i would and still do listen to you and dance around our living room.
i’ve been to one of your shows i believe back in 2018 in indianapolis in the egyptian room (i believe that’s what’s it’s called) !!! it was a birthday gift from a good friend at the time. she had these sparkly vip tickets so we were on this platform the whole time and could see you oh so clearly!!! i’m a short girl so being up higher than everyone else was pretty cool! another little story of that night was even tho we had vip tickets we still wanted to ~try~ and get closer but this big tall(6ft) man named chad wasn’t too happy about a (5ft) girly stepping in front of him so we had to go back to our spot. now i know that probably wasn’t the nicest thing to do, we had our spots we should be happy to have them right? and i totally was that minor moment did not ruin the night but can you blame a girl for trying to see her favorite artist up close?
anyways thank you for everything jon you’re the true beautiful mind🩷
The first time I saw Jon was in Dallas, TX. Deep Ellum. Me and my childhood best friend were super excited for the show. It was such a great day. We went to eat before the show and ended up being seated next to all the guys who performed with Jon. My friend ended up knowing one of Jon’s childhood friends which was cool so we hung out and met Jon. Sweet down to earth guy. I then had the pleasure of seeing Jon and the guys perform in Nashville a week later. I met him again and he did remember me lol
Met Jon back in 2016 after his Boston show for Human Condition Tour. House of blues. Got a VIP pass and talked with Tour Manager. Told him I had a pair of Lebron Solider 10s all white and gold(IYKYK), knew he liked the shoe. Was told after the show Jon wanted to speak with me I thought I was gonna die the whole show. Def fan boyed way too hard, met Jon, the rest of the guys, brought me and my brother on the bus and we traded shoes signed them and everything. Dude was too nice for how much me and my brother were freaking. Spoke to me like a real down to earth friend. Never forget moment. Pics below.
I saw Jon in 2018, in Indianapolis. I don't remember what song it was, but in the middle of it he points out and says something like, "turn around," and no one really did. After he finished the song, he said "no seriously look over there." Behind the audience, the baseball field across the street was setting off fireworks. That was cool to see in the middle of the concert.
Both hands on the candle, can't handle it.
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 In 2016, my boyfriend at the time introduced me to THC, and I loved it and immediately downloaded all of your albums. Anywhere we went, we only listened to you in the car. After he and I broke up, we had already bought tickets to your concert in Chicago in 2019, so we went together as exes, and I don’t regret a single moment! That night, nothing else mattered but our shared love of your music. We danced in each others’ arms to our song, Overwhelming, and ultimately had an incredible night. We got to meet Lawrence, too! We never did get back together but my love for your music has only grown stronger and stronger since!!
@tao_ I’m sure I’ll see you soon! More selfies! Lol
Heard about Jon from a buddy of mine, fell in love with the sound and went to a concert in Miami with my then girlfriend, now wife. Jon’s music has scored my adult life as I’m 26 years old and my only gripe is that we don’t have more of it, although through his podcast appearance with Janko I realize why he stopped putting out music. I hope this new endeavor works out and we get the best from Jon, we always have and now he has the freedom to do it more.
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 Hey Jon, I'm happy to see this blog and excited to be here! This is a truly perfect way to interact with you. I love all the positive feedback that people are giving you. I wanted to go down memory lane and share with you, and everyone here, an experience from a concert in Houston, Tx. So Jon did this activity in a "backstage" sort of thing where he had 30-ish people in first and he went out into the room with us and started chatting and sharing some new music. And he also picked some people to share some creative talent and I was lucky enough to be picked! He goes on to ask me what's the creative thing that I do and I told him that I rap (or try to). Then he asks me if I would like to rap something for the group, and with my stomach almost giving up on me I say yes! So Mylon Hayde brings out a peruvian cajon and starts giving me a beat. I start spitting some bars and Jon jumps on and starts beat boxing with us! It was insane! To this day I still think I dreamt it all lol But no, I asked my brother the next day and he told me "no dude, it really happened" hahaha we weren't allowed to film or take pictures in the backstage event :c Jon, if you by any chance have pictures or videos of this, man, you would make my year! And i'ts only February! The concert was on June 29th, 2019.
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 I started listening to you when I was a teenager. Your music genuinely made me feel seen and heard, a scared lonely kid who was struggling with religion and a sense of belonging. Now as an adult I still relate to your music, and I can’t wait to hopefully see you soon if you go on tour. Been wanting new music for a long time, I can’t wait to hear your new stuff!
I saw Jon in 2018, in Indianapolis. I don't remember what song it was, but in the middle of it he points out and says something like, "turn around," and no one really did. After he finished the song, he said "no seriously look over there." Behind the audience, the baseball field across the street was setting off fireworks. That was cool to see in the middle of the concert.