I've been a fan of JB's since 2016ish (found his music through Twenty One Pilots). When I found out he extended The Human Condition tour (oct 2017) I knew I had to go. At the meet&greet/pre show, he played samples of music he'd been working on - getting to watch that in person, in real time, was absolutely magical to experience & I'm not sure much of anything else could top it.
Music fuels my soul & my creativity. When I start to feel "lost" or becoming consumed by pain/depression/fear & I cannot accurately describe what I'm experiencing, music becomes a translator of sorts to allow a channel for my soul to release that energy. --- I say all that bc there's only been a small group of artists who've been able to put into words EXACTLY how I feel inside & JB has consistently done that & SO much more. His music has made a profound impact on my life & I will forever be grateful of him. (Even tho I'm pretty sure no one will read this lol I still felt compelled to say it).