a few posts of Jon's has been pinned until 3/19. its a wednesday, are we expecting any drop next wednesday? and just so I'm caught up, is our suspicion for a drop this friday purely based on his "new music friday" comment? because I really don't think that means anything although I'm sure it can be interpreted in multiple ways because its basically a POMDP. anyway, what do y'all think about the 3/19 pinned until thingy
i've seen some people suggesting that it means a single will be dropped—i personally think it'll be an announcement of a new single and the new single will be coming the Friday of that same week
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
a few posts of Jon's has been pinned until 3/19. its a wednesday, are we expecting any drop next wednesday? and just so I'm caught up, is our suspicion for a drop this friday purely based on his "new music friday" comment? because I really don't think that means anything although I'm sure it can be interpreted in multiple ways because its basically a POMDP. anyway, what do y'all think about the 3/19 pinned until thingy
@jazthejakrabbit I hope it’s sooner than March 19th but I have a weird feeling that it won’t be out until March 19th.
i think he will be more direct when its coming when hes ready if that makes sense. hes always said the forum is the first to know
beautiful mind
i think it means the same thing that “pinned until 2/28 at 12:52am” meant …..absolutely nothing lmao but i guess we’ll see
i'm very, very New York, be very, very aware