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- Morning in America DANNY PHANTOM
Morning in America DANNY PHANTOM
Thank you so much
You rock
wrote 14 days ago last edited by@fallingmiraculou haha of course! You rock too for even noticing that. Great ear
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
wrote 14 days ago last edited by
If two people heard it, I have to check too right? I'm gonna put it on loop all night later tonight just to make sure
I think I'm headed in the right direction
If two people heard it, I have to check too right? I'm gonna put it on loop all night later tonight just to make sure
wrote 14 days ago last edited by@notsobasic let us know if you will be the third person
luxury chorus trumpets
wrote 14 days ago last edited by
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@notsobasic let us know if you will be the third person
wrote 13 days ago last edited by@fallingmiraculou I DO HEAR IT!!! Pretty sure it's just coincidence but it's really funny
I think I'm headed in the right direction
wrote 13 days ago last edited by
okay two things, (1) i hear it and won’t be able to unhear it now and (2) this resurfaced my childhood memories of watching DP and now i’m rewatching the whole show
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
okay two things, (1) i hear it and won’t be able to unhear it now and (2) this resurfaced my childhood memories of watching DP and now i’m rewatching the whole show
In Morning in America at 2:38, there’s a vocal rift that sounds JUST LIKE the Danny Phantom theme to me and no one else I know agrees. Does ANYONE else hear it or am I insane?
Please help ily all.
wrote 12 days ago last edited by@fallingmiraculou okay what part of the theme song? Like the beginning?? I just listened to it and I’m not hearing it but I want to lol
I spoke with Yahweh, he told me Jesus crafted us in
Which means my brother's my brother, it don't matter the skin
America needs to watch how they treat His chosen people
But that's for deeper than surface records, now let's begin -
@fallingmiraculou okay what part of the theme song? Like the beginning?? I just listened to it and I’m not hearing it but I want to lol
wrote 12 days ago last edited by@Jay120 it’s actually right AFTER the theme in the episode when they do the title card for the episode (I didn’t realize it wasn’t actually in the theme!)
luxury chorus trumpets
@its_nat07 I’m SO SORRY and Y E S!!!
wrote 12 days ago last edited by@fallingmiraculou NAH ITS OKAY I FW IT
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”