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Favorite Odd Sounds / Subtleties In Jon Songs
wrote 17 days ago last edited by
i like when he talks in the songs intro, like something2realx2
beautiful mind
wrote 17 days ago last edited by
i definitely think the "YEE" in the chorus of guillotine is my all time favorite JB sound
why has life become a plan to put some money in my hand
i love the clap clap in ungrateful eyes lol
wrote 17 days ago last edited by@GabbyW0205 my favorite part is when he goes “money and bitches blah, blah, yeah, yeah”
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
@GabbyW0205 my favorite part is when he goes “money and bitches blah, blah, yeah, yeah”
wrote 17 days ago last edited by@its_nat07 YESSSS EYES TO THE SKY APPRECIATION. I love that part
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
wrote 17 days ago last edited by its_nat07 17 days ago
dude yesss that little guitar flutter thing in Weight Of The World is sooo cool and adds so much
i also love the beginning of Ungrateful Eyes—that little himalayan-esque yell“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
@its_nat07 YESSSS EYES TO THE SKY APPRECIATION. I love that part
wrote 17 days ago last edited by
So not a song of his, but it's like the most Bellion-esque thing he's done in a song, on "shine on" by Tori Kelly he goes like, "wuh wuh wuh wuh wuh wuh wuh" on the first part of the chorus, and then goes "WOO. WOO. WOO. WOO" on the second part.
It's very good
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
@GabbyW0205 my favorite part is when he goes “money and bitches blah, blah, yeah, yeah”
wrote 17 days ago last edited by JotchE 17 days ago
The beginning of "Want To Be Loved" and really the whole song has a whole bunch of quirky sounds that fit just right!
Told myself I'm keeping my faith, if it costs me my reputation, then take it; I'll give it all away
So not a song of his, but it's like the most Bellion-esque thing he's done in a song, on "shine on" by Tori Kelly he goes like, "wuh wuh wuh wuh wuh wuh wuh" on the first part of the chorus, and then goes "WOO. WOO. WOO. WOO" on the second part.
It's very good
wrote 16 days ago last edited by@Isaac yes! Haha I love that song and that part
Keep one foot in the future and the other in your living room
i definitely think the "YEE" in the chorus of guillotine is my all time favorite JB sound
wrote 16 days ago last edited by@hkretzer that will forever be a sound stuck in my head
Keep one foot in the future and the other in your living room
wrote 15 days ago last edited by
probably honestly just like his voice overall.. i still remember the cryptic tweet and delete days when he tweeted he was done using his voice in music as a means to develop into a more professional sound and i was distraught to say the least... luckily that never happened because man his voice in the songs is some of the dopest parts and best ways to tell he had his hands in a track after its been altered so much in some cases
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby