This part in When the lions come.
When the lions come and they turn to fight
Will you lose your soul? Will you lose your pride?
'Cause the only thing they need's to smell a drop of fear inside,
When the lions come, will you turn to fight?Damn!! It was a charge and a reminder that fight is an option not just flight.
@its_nat07 this quickly became one of my favorite songs after listening deeper to the lyrics. There's a reason that last line is my signature on this forum
changed my life
@Slangerak yeah same!!! it definitely took me a few listens to fully grasp the lyrics, but once they do they hit so deep
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
Idk man "Verbal trigger like you should never play around with guns" goes hard XD (NYS Pt 2)
Have I lost control? A voice says “I might need my soul“.
"will's gone hunting muthafukka, where you been (ben) Afflac, we just trying to see if you ducks can dance"
witness protection
"this is a official apology from beautiful mind, we're sorry, if we're going ohveryorhed..."
Jon has some fire lines in his songs! His lyric skills are pretty much unmatched. In your opinion, what is his BEST line?
It's kinda long but mine would be from Mahs Joint when he says:
"Conversations with the Devil and he's telling me
What's the point in making memories
When you can't even find 'em when you're 70?
Conversations with my Father and he's telling me
There's a point in making memories
'Cause they'll be even better when we're heavenly@Jefferson-M this is def my fav most meaningful but my fav word play is the whole chorus of JT
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
@Dande Mic drop moment
“Let me give the kids just a little help
Tell 'em money is not the key to wealth
‘Cause if it can stop the pain
How the fuck do you explain a bunch of millionaires that killed themselves?"IS SOOOOO INSANE. Because how the fuck do you explain that!!! Money is never the key to wealth. Such a raw song. These lyrics are unmatched.
@GabbyW0205 hell yeah, JB says it how it is
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
@Sekani hell yeah. for the longest time i didn’t get what this line meant and then when it hit me, i loved the song so much more
Have I lost control? A voice says “I might need my soul“.
@MountainToad9 fashion is such a banger. i somehow always forget about it, thanks for the reminder to go listen to it.