@jongirl_O LOVE that cover! What year was that?
I discovered him through his album the human condition when I was a teenager!
I was supposed to attend the twenty one pilots concert but my broke younger self didn't want to pay for a ticket lol. Then my friends went, and I regretted not going. They sent me videos of Jon and I literally started listening to his music right away and taking a deep dive into all his YouTube videos. Been obsessed ever since.
I discovered Jon on iTunes back in 2015. I saw the Art on his THC album and was drawn into listening to his album. The art of his album caught my eye; once I listened to it I was blown away. I couldn’t believe that I could relate to all his songs that quick but I did and ever since then I’ve been addicted to his music ever since then. I’m grateful that god led me to his music.
@toniprag_ Same here! My favorite tøp show to date because they introduced me to Jon.
I found him on the radio playing the (now vintage) All Time Low. The only piece of technology that I had was a 3DS so I would have to use that completely ass version of YouTube that the little thing had to find all of Jons other works at the time.
Great times Great times.... I hope that he's able to tour for this next album because i was never able to go to any of the ones prior :_(
@BeastPigSweg A fortnite streamer I watched back in like 2020 had all time low as his stream intro. It was one of my favourite songs for like a year before I went down the whole Jon rabbit whole
Found carry your throne on YT IN 2014, I don't remember what I was listening before but I got hooked and started to listen everything that he had at the time (It wasn't a lot but it was GOOD) and then he started to put more and more stuff, it was the best part of my day
LMAO.. in my Tinder match's bed.
We were talking about music (he produces as a side hobby as well- super small though). And he was like, "I think you may like this," and it was Hand of God... and the rest is history. This was in maybe 2016. He and I remain close friends and share JB stuff whenever something new comes out.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
LMAO.. in my Tinder match's bed.
We were talking about music (he produces as a side hobby as well- super small though). And he was like, "I think you may like this," and it was Hand of God... and the rest is history. This was in maybe 2016. He and I remain close friends and share JB stuff whenever something new comes out.
@OverwhelmMe aint no way lmaooo, thats the most unexpected thing i read here
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
Paper planes came on a random pandora station I had on.
i think it was some random youtube mix in like 2016 that had guillotine on it, and i was hooked from there.
I discovered @User12261990 on October 27, 2017 thanks to one of my matches from a dating site! He had picked me up and was showing me some songs and this was one of his favorites at the time. I am forever grateful because Jon's music is amazing. I am excited for this next era. Thank you Elvis, I owe you!
Paper planes came on a random pandora station I had on.
Heard All Time Low ONE TIME and now I know every single song he has ever released by heart lmao
I found him on the radio playing the (now vintage) All Time Low. The only piece of technology that I had was a 3DS so I would have to use that completely ass version of YouTube that the little thing had to find all of Jons other works at the time.
Great times Great times.... I hope that he's able to tour for this next album because i was never able to go to any of the ones prior :_(
@BeastPigSweg my cousin used to play all time low and hand of God a lot and that was when I knew I found my happy place in music.
@Tue76621 it was posted on YT July 2nd, 2012! more than 10 years ago, how crazy is that ….
It was back in 2014, a late night of studying and Spotify's Discover Weekly threw on Luxury. I ended up playing it on repeat for the rest of the night. The trumpets absolutely owned me. I never stopped listening to him from then on. He's been my #1 since.
"I’m not perfect, but I’m worth it." (灬º‿º灬)♡