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- Do you know many people irl that listen to Jon’s music?
Do you know many people irl that listen to Jon’s music?
One girl I used to be friends with introduced me to him but she only listened to a few songs. Since then I've been a huge fan and even got my current partner into Jon but don't know anyone else.
No everytime I mention him I have to mention all time low for them to know who I mean, not that it’s what matters but I got a feeling that’s soon gonna change!!! I still remember one time like 6 years ago I heard someone driving by playing overwhelming and I got so hyped
@Zeonder Same as!! I always have to mention All Time Low
@summer2004 you’re so lucky you met someone everyone I’ve met does not appreciate him as much as I do
@sinmi I know, I met him at a bar and turns out is was his favourite artist ever. Thought it was fate haha, not in contact with him anymore though
I introduced Jon to my sister and friends for this exact same reason, I don't know anybody else. In the last few years, I met two people who have heard some songs, but they're not as immersed in his music as me so it has been tough. I'm just glad I can post in the forum and connect with more people from around the world who like his music as much as I do.
i've only known and had actual chats about jon with 1. manifesting more. the one I have had chats with was an acquintance I saw commenting on something about bellion, we dmed for awhile, and they ended up being at my cousins 21st birthday yeaars back and near the end of the night we were hijacking the aux and playing hella jon though, if thats my only irl moment I can rest happy.
sadly nooo
JellyBean from space
back in 2015 - 2016 I introduced Jon to a bunch of my friends, one listens to him more than I do and has Jon as top artist on Spotify for years, and with a bunch of others we flew to the UK to see a concert.
and since then I got to know quite a few other fans as well -
I find it so hard to find people who actually listen to Jon’s music and don’t just know one or two songs. There’s only been once when I’ve met someone in person and we sat for hours listening to every album. But everyone else I know is online and I guess I’m just curious? Especially because if I ever went to a concert I’d have to go alone haha
@summer2004 one of my best friends does but other than him I only know one other person. Thats it.
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
I introduced my best friend, LT, to him years ago.
And before the pandemic hit, Jon performed in London and we were basically front row. Literally best night of my life- and to have my pal with me made it so much better! -
I find it so hard to find people who actually listen to Jon’s music and don’t just know one or two songs. There’s only been once when I’ve met someone in person and we sat for hours listening to every album. But everyone else I know is online and I guess I’m just curious? Especially because if I ever went to a concert I’d have to go alone haha
@summer2004 One of my best friends became my best friends bc she started playing one of his more obscure tracks and I flipped out LOL. It was a sign haha
JB Enjoyer since 2017
Cause I had a fire, passion and desire
Now all I require are circuits and wires
Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion
Then you cut me open... -
i’ve met two people actually—the first i don’t speak to anymore, but they were who introduced me to Jon. i quickly bonded w the second person once we realized we both listened to Jon’s music haha we were both in shock
we rant abt him still
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
i’ve met two people actually—the first i don’t speak to anymore, but they were who introduced me to Jon. i quickly bonded w the second person once we realized we both listened to Jon’s music haha we were both in shock
we rant abt him still
@its_nat07 oh and i introduced my bsf to him and she absolutely loves THC now
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”