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@tiachante_ oh man, human acoustic, that one take song, the phone notif going off in the second half, that shoulder shrug when he sings the high notes, and the piano throughout, I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF WATCHING THAT VIDEO.
also for the longest time I thought mart mcflys was morning flowers lmfao and all that time I was like who buys flowers for 4 grand LMFAO@jazthejakrabbit
I had a vague knowledge that they were shoes based on how he said it (like Jordan’s) but I literally just had to google them to see how they look. And I agree, the video literally adds to the humanity of the message and song.
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
Just saw a video of a guy who reproduced Kid Again from scratch, and if im gonna be completely honest i think this new mix sounds even better by giving the strings some room. Really talented producer
https://youtube.com/shorts/GIOj2a2jd6c?si=oaH4JA17wr2wsLQT -
@MusikByNiko mark Williams (ojiXvolta) was the guy behind that vocal sound wall for crop! The outro on the new record has a ridiculous vocal arrangement as the bed I’m going over. Don’t wanna give too much away. Real tears and shit though.
@User12261990 volta the goat so raw, that sounds insane so dam excited to hear it must have been a hell of a road to get to this point. i was taking a rock class at my college and the teachers name was mark williams deadass shit my pants thinking it was him XD
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
@User12261990 Here to talk about how Woodstock is an underrated production masterpiece, every element is sonically where it needs to be, the beatbox combined with the drums and the tweaked vocal chops sounds crazy. Your songs sound like every musical element is birthing the next one, such smooth dynamics with tension and release. So nice to hear you are back man, big inspiration for all of us creatives out there.
@User12261990 Here to talk about how Woodstock is an underrated production masterpiece, every element is sonically where it needs to be, the beatbox combined with the drums and the tweaked vocal chops sounds crazy. Your songs sound like every musical element is birthing the next one, such smooth dynamics with tension and release. So nice to hear you are back man, big inspiration for all of us creatives out there.
@quick I totally agree, Woodstock is one of my top five from him and def underrated. Such a masterpiece
@mimadre478 bro where's your music I'd love to listen
@Isaac Coming soon... follow iamoluwatito on instagram