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@MusikByNiko it’s a lack luster answer, but there are so many plugins and options and things that I usually wait to see what the person recording me interprets my explanation of what I could hear my vocal sounding like for that specific song. Like I’ll explain things in a non specific non hyper detailed way using descriptive words like “I want this to feel doubled and flanged but still watery” and see what they come up with and tweak from there. Cuz A. I might hear something I like that I didn’t think of that they interpreted my description as, or B have a good starting point to tweak from. Every song is different.
@User12261990 first i just want to say how FUCKING COOL it is to be able to have a "personal conversation" with you even though its over a computer, this forum shit is gas. ur answer not lack luster at all its actually super eye opening for me. ive never been able to afford an engineer so i gotta painstakingly do all the tiny details myself. it sounds like such a blessing to not only have this option open to you, but to also be able to tap into other people's creative minds thanks jon : )
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
@User12261990 first i just want to say how FUCKING COOL it is to be able to have a "personal conversation" with you even though its over a computer, this forum shit is gas. ur answer not lack luster at all its actually super eye opening for me. ive never been able to afford an engineer so i gotta painstakingly do all the tiny details myself. it sounds like such a blessing to not only have this option open to you, but to also be able to tap into other people's creative minds thanks jon : )
@MusikByNiko consider it early practice for knowing
How to explain what you want. It’s a good thing you’re doing it all yourself. That helped me have language rapor with producer I worked with in the future. I like the forum too. -
I'm so excited based on the lil bits you've dropped
I really hope that your approach to instrumentation and relating to every song, Which you've had in your albums, AND the albums you've worked on, Stays true for this one. The funk, The swing, The pep in the step kinda loops have been amazing to me. I listen to worship almost every day lol. I'm ready to bop my head like you did for tangled webs nonstop
@Dragus12 the first single and third and 2 other songs on the record have crazy bounce
Can you shed some light on some of your biggest hip hop influences? hip hop/rap has always been my most favorite genre, some of my favorite songs of yours are let’s begin and adult swim for that reason. love lyrical intricacies over a crazy beat. would love to hear some of your biggest inspirations on that front.. @User12261990
@iamachildagain roc Marciano my favorite rapper , nipsey and pusha , gangstarr and Jada, the joy is my favorite “hip hop” beat ever by Pete rock for ye and J ,there’s an Obie trice record called the set up with Nate Dogg, that beat opened my brain up production wise , not even sure why I think it’s the little synth thing, I was like oh beats can have like fun synth shit going on and can still be hard hahahaa
Any new influences or inspiration sonically you can talk about? What were you listening to during the making of the new record?
@JOEPIO I was just searching for pallets and tapestries that stirred up the real space in my gut. Like shit that made me feel like I wanted to stand on business and SAY something. Podium production hahahaha
@User12261990 so stoked. Grew up listening to a blend of everything- the Pretenders, Elton John, Fleetwood, Journey, Blink, gospel and worship, 80s rock- you name it. My parents loved music and they passed that on. The future that isn’t rooted in tradition becomes anchor-less. Doesn’t mean we don’t work hard to refine the shortcomings and heal that generational trauma but we can’t just throw it all out and act like it doesn’t matter. And I love this focus on fathers- something my husband and I explore a lot as we navigate our roles as parents, individually and as a team. Can’t wait to hear that articulated musically and lyrically. And I’m sure you have a fresh perspective having kids. They re-invigorated my creativity because theirs is limitless.
@tashhess this is FIRE I been saying we threw the baby out with the bath water in terms of strong fathers and stuff that our elders did that got us here. We have to improve but can’t set fire to the institutions. As I get older I see the importance of the nuance in that.
Any new influences or inspiration sonically you can talk about? What were you listening to during the making of the new record?
@JOEPIO was listening to a ton of OASIS and ROYKSOP
you and your approach to vocals has always intrigued me the techno vocoded vocals on crop circles and so many others is so imogen heap coded i would love to see a deep dive into the engineering behind that kinda stuff
@MusikByNiko mark Williams (ojiXvolta) was the guy behind that vocal sound wall for crop! The outro on the new record has a ridiculous vocal arrangement as the bed I’m going over. Don’t wanna give too much away. Real tears and shit though.
@MusikByNiko mark Williams (ojiXvolta) was the guy behind that vocal sound wall for crop! The outro on the new record has a ridiculous vocal arrangement as the bed I’m going over. Don’t wanna give too much away. Real tears and shit though.
@User12261990 I was hoping you would do something big for the outro
I love big instumentals, mahs joints horns shake my soul every time
@Dragus12 the first single and third and 2 other songs on the record have crazy bounce
@User12261990 Aight bambino, We awaittt some bars and straight lessons
🇨🇴 Viva Colombia carajooo 🇨🇴
@MusikByNiko mark Williams (ojiXvolta) was the guy behind that vocal sound wall for crop! The outro on the new record has a ridiculous vocal arrangement as the bed I’m going over. Don’t wanna give too much away. Real tears and shit though.
@User12261990 any plans to work with ojivolta again in the future?
@tashhess this is FIRE I been saying we threw the baby out with the bath water in terms of strong fathers and stuff that our elders did that got us here. We have to improve but can’t set fire to the institutions. As I get older I see the importance of the nuance in that.
@User12261990 YES! We've got to be okay to sit in the tension and the nuance. Really looking forward to hearing the way you've crafted this new album and all the growth behind it. Is it concept/flow start to finish or more of each track standing on its own?
@magnoliawhites everything is a bit more stand on business this time around. Meaning I’m full stomach chest voicing most of this record which I’ve never done before. I wanted vocal performances I couldn’t hide behind production and layering with. Sonically the songs have less SOUNDS that I used to pack in but somehow they sound way bigger. I think that comes with taste and time. To me at least everything feels more streamlined less frills. Never considered myself a singer but almost pretended to be one so hard this time around it transformed how I approached the records and sang on them. I also let the monkey come out of me a bit more on this record. It’s all gorilla dad dawg spirit. It’s not a vibe album, I’m making a point and saying things in a way that forces one to form a thought about it. It’s not necessarily an open interpretation vibe don’t try too hard thing. Whole record sounds like someone going for it. Believing something.
@User12261990 dude sorry what HOW do you not consider yourself a singer when you legitimately have one of the best voices I’ve ever heard??
i’m here to tell you… that the Seuss…is loose!
@magnoliawhites everything is a bit more stand on business this time around. Meaning I’m full stomach chest voicing most of this record which I’ve never done before. I wanted vocal performances I couldn’t hide behind production and layering with. Sonically the songs have less SOUNDS that I used to pack in but somehow they sound way bigger. I think that comes with taste and time. To me at least everything feels more streamlined less frills. Never considered myself a singer but almost pretended to be one so hard this time around it transformed how I approached the records and sang on them. I also let the monkey come out of me a bit more on this record. It’s all gorilla dad dawg spirit. It’s not a vibe album, I’m making a point and saying things in a way that forces one to form a thought about it. It’s not necessarily an open interpretation vibe don’t try too hard thing. Whole record sounds like someone going for it. Believing something.
@User12261990 not you having some of the best male vocals I’ve ever heard and making me cry with the Human acoustic and saying YOURE NOT A SINGER??? Jon
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
@User12261990, if this album is focusing on fatherhood (or influenced by it), imma be mad if there ain't one dad joke on this album.
@magnoliawhites everything is a bit more stand on business this time around. Meaning I’m full stomach chest voicing most of this record which I’ve never done before. I wanted vocal performances I couldn’t hide behind production and layering with. Sonically the songs have less SOUNDS that I used to pack in but somehow they sound way bigger. I think that comes with taste and time. To me at least everything feels more streamlined less frills. Never considered myself a singer but almost pretended to be one so hard this time around it transformed how I approached the records and sang on them. I also let the monkey come out of me a bit more on this record. It’s all gorilla dad dawg spirit. It’s not a vibe album, I’m making a point and saying things in a way that forces one to form a thought about it. It’s not necessarily an open interpretation vibe don’t try too hard thing. Whole record sounds like someone going for it. Believing something.
@User12261990 is that a track title? “Gorilla dad dawg spirit”? That would be first on repeat imo
Can’t wait to hear the Jon X Pharrell collab 🥰🥰🥰
@User12261990 I been working hard!
Spent so much time listening to your whole catalog, spending months listening to the greats of the 90s! My debut album comes out in a few months.
I'm a huge fan of yours!!
This is cheesy and corny but just so the internet can keep track of it, I'll say it anyway:
We're gonna work together someday soon.
Cant wait to hear what you been cooking big bro! -
@User12261990 I been working hard!
Spent so much time listening to your whole catalog, spending months listening to the greats of the 90s! My debut album comes out in a few months.
I'm a huge fan of yours!!
This is cheesy and corny but just so the internet can keep track of it, I'll say it anyway:
We're gonna work together someday soon.
Cant wait to hear what you been cooking big bro!@mimadre478 bro where's your music I'd love to listen
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
@User12261990 not you having some of the best male vocals I’ve ever heard and making me cry with the Human acoustic and saying YOURE NOT A SINGER??? Jon
@tiachante_ oh man, human acoustic, that one take song, the phone notif going off in the second half, that shoulder shrug when he sings the high notes, and the piano throughout, I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF WATCHING THAT VIDEO.
also for the longest time I thought mart mcflys was morning flowers lmfao and all that time I was like who buys flowers for 4 grand LMFAO