wrote 8 days ago last edited by
For those wondering... I believe the version of Kid Again that we got a few months back was before the album was being professionally mixed and mastered. A lot of people noticed the mix was a little rough and so I'm hoping this means the album will bring a refreshed version. Imagine that last chorus with all the strings and choir having room to breathe. It's gonna be fire.
wrote 8 days ago last edited by
Yeah this makes a ton of sense
For those wondering... I believe the version of Kid Again that we got a few months back was before the album was being professionally mixed and mastered. A lot of people noticed the mix was a little rough and so I'm hoping this means the album will bring a refreshed version. Imagine that last chorus with all the strings and choir having room to breathe. It's gonna be fire.
wrote 8 days ago last edited by@itsmichaelbain hoping this is the case fs. i had a similar theory myself. but id be happy with a rerelease too
wrote 8 days ago last edited by
hopefully it brings out those strings even more cus they sounded amazing
wrote 7 days ago last edited by its_nat07 7 days ago
omg…lowkey i see that. but KID AGAIN has grown on me a ton, so whatever Jon’s doing w it i’m content w it
“I figured out there’s money in my mind.”
wrote 7 days ago last edited by
This makes no sense...Manny Marroquin was the mix engineer. He has mixed everything and everybody under the sun, so if he and Jon wanted the song to be mixed like it was, then they meant for it to be mixed like that. There's a number of reasons why it could have been taken down but the mix was very intentional.
wrote 7 days ago last edited by
I like it, I don't think there is nothing wrong with the mix, whether intentional or not. I always find it weird as a wind player in jazz and orchestra we are trained how to serve the music, blend with the others and when to bring out our voice. Today's music goes against a lot of what I am used to, like most songs are just straight bass, like just cut out everything else then. But that's what is standard now. I say this to imply the standard is always moving and what is correct or "sounds good" will always change
For those wondering... I believe the version of Kid Again that we got a few months back was before the album was being professionally mixed and mastered. A lot of people noticed the mix was a little rough and so I'm hoping this means the album will bring a refreshed version. Imagine that last chorus with all the strings and choir having room to breathe. It's gonna be fire.
wrote 7 days ago last edited by@itsmichaelbain Ope! didn’t realize it was taken down until I read this.
This makes no sense...Manny Marroquin was the mix engineer. He has mixed everything and everybody under the sun, so if he and Jon wanted the song to be mixed like it was, then they meant for it to be mixed like that. There's a number of reasons why it could have been taken down but the mix was very intentional.
wrote 7 days ago last edited by@KaylaMcIntyre why else would he take it down from streaming?