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- I feel like most of us are in our 20s lol ...
I feel like most of us are in our 20s lol ...
I keep clicking on a bunch of peoples profiles and I'm seeing so many people around my age, its honestly really nice to see all these people who discovered JB the same time/age I did growin up. We've all found him when we were lil tweens lol
not me
i'm very, very New York, be very, very aware
not me
I keep clicking on a bunch of peoples profiles and I'm seeing so many people around my age, its honestly really nice to see all these people who discovered JB the same time/age I did growin up. We've all found him when we were lil tweens lol
@ParkerYoung not me I discovered him in my twenties and now I’m 39 yrs old
hahaa fr, ive seen some posts of some people around 40+ which has gotta be so sick to have been old enough to go to the seperation and the defintion shows... like cmon so jealous!!
i found him at age 13, it’s weird to think that for the majority of the time where i was capable of having a “music taste” it’s been Jon
Honestly that’s pretty accurate
I’m 27 and I’ve been listening to Jons body of work nearly my whole life (unknowingly) I didn’t really “find” him until he released Woodstock beginning of 2015? And then I felt like I had found my kind of music. Just so happened he had worked on some of my all time favorites before that.
I was like 21 when I found Jon I’m 32 now
Nothing Rests, Everything Vibrates
i found him at age 13, it’s weird to think that for the majority of the time where i was capable of having a “music taste” it’s been Jon
@FrankieFeelsIt same here! To the point that Halloween just came on and I still know every line and vocal run he does exactly
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
I keep clicking on a bunch of peoples profiles and I'm seeing so many people around my age, its honestly really nice to see all these people who discovered JB the same time/age I did growin up. We've all found him when we were lil tweens lol