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Dear Glasses Wearers…
@GabbyW0205 brooo I need new contacts. With surfing it’s such a btch trying to do it with no contacts in, and I’m definitely not wearing my glasses out there hahaha
@Isaac i stopped wearing glasses when i was younger because i slept in them and always broke em lmao
beautiful mind
@Isaac i stopped wearing glasses when i was younger because i slept in them and always broke em lmao
@GabbyW0205 haha you’re real for that
Lowkey did that the other night… and now I need to get them fixed
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
@GabbyW0205 haha you’re real for that
Lowkey did that the other night… and now I need to get them fixed
@Isaac since i got into my 2nd trimester i can fall asleep almost instantly sometimes so my contacts be burning my eyeballs
the struggle of being blind lmfao
beautiful mind
@LuvJB85 nice! If Jon does a mega show we all need to come together as glasses wearers and exclude all the other non-glasses wearers.
Like a cult bwahahaha
I’m bored, waiting for anything to be announced. Chances are, you are too. So if you wear glasses, can I get “what’s good” in the comments??
Don’t forget to like and subscribe gang 🤟
@its_nat07 hahaha yep 🫡
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
@Isaac been glasses only for the past 4 months but just coughed up the funds for a year supply of more contact lenses. Why do they have to be so expensive??
@sethephur brooo they areeee I hate it
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
@its_nat07 hahaha yep 🫡
I’m bored, waiting for anything to be announced. Chances are, you are too. So if you wear glasses, can I get “what’s good” in the comments??
Don’t forget to like and subscribe gang 🤟
@Isaac i stopped wearing glasses when i was younger because i slept in them and always broke em lmao
@GabbyW0205 Girl this is me so hard.
My current pair is just one nap away from being broken lol
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
I’m bored, waiting for anything to be announced. Chances are, you are too. So if you wear glasses, can I get “what’s good” in the comments??
Don’t forget to like and subscribe gang 🤟
@Isaac wearing glasses since grade 6. What’s good? Lol
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
I’m bored, waiting for anything to be announced. Chances are, you are too. So if you wear glasses, can I get “what’s good” in the comments??
Don’t forget to like and subscribe gang 🤟
been goin strong for close to 20 years
sic parvis magna
@Isaac we know you want those reputation points
@lucyhamman ok and
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
been goin strong for close to 20 years
@heisthesame haha I nice! About 18 for me!
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
JellyBean from space
@GabbyW0205 Girl this is me so hard.
My current pair is just one nap away from being broken lol
@OverwhelmMe I don't know why I laughed so hard at that lol
"this is a official apology from beautiful mind, we're sorry, if we're going ohveryorhed..."