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What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?
unfortunately for me since its not on streaming platforms, Titanic. it's just so ethereal and whimsical and vibey.
@catkeleghan ITS JUST SO PERFECT IDK!!
give me fever,
give me passion,
give me everything
✧♡︎✧ -
@catkeleghan ITS JUST SO PERFECT IDK!!
@BeautifulMind Mine is Hand of God - Outro. It's such an epic conclusion to THC and I love how all the songs come together
@Iskemik yess, i get chills every time
the absolute best finale to such a beautiful album
Stupid Deep is so special to me, especially the acoustic version.
However, Mah's Joint brings me to tears every single time I hear it.
I lost my mom in 2021 after a very long and difficult battle with a rare form of cancer, and that song perfectly captures the duality of emotions that I experienced, and still experience. The deep grief and sadness of having to continue living without your loved one, mixed with the relief that they are no longer in pain and that they are being welcomed with a party on the other side. Mourning the future that you will never get to share with them, while being comforted the memories you did make together. The sad "mama, mama" echoing in the background underneath the joyful cheers of a welcome party on the other side... It just hits deep in my soul."I know the demons in the room is gonna say it's more that I can chew, BUT NOW ALL I HEAR IS THE DINNER BELL."
@stupid_deep_22 I've always wondered if Jon kind of regretted giving away Trumpets to Jason Derulo so he was like "F it I'll just do another trumpet instrumental and make it even better with more meaningful lyrics". Luxury is goated.
@flyinglotus actually that makes a lot of sense
Hand of God will forever be my favorite because it drew me in immediately and opened up the door for me to give every other song a listen. Human is my other favorite because the very first line resonated with me in a way that no other song ever has. I felt understood from the first word to the last. and Mah’s Joint hits so hard because I watched my mom’s mom spend years slipping away due to alzheimer’s. and the song is so true. my mom took care of the house. my mom visited her and spoke with her daily despite her never remembering it. my mother was a mother to her mom.
Hand of God will forever be my favorite because it drew me in immediately and opened up the door for me to give every other song a listen. Human is my other favorite because the very first line resonated with me in a way that no other song ever has. I felt understood from the first word to the last. and Mah’s Joint hits so hard because I watched my mom’s mom spend years slipping away due to alzheimer’s. and the song is so true. my mom took care of the house. my mom visited her and spoke with her daily despite her never remembering it. my mother was a mother to her mom.
I always thought Maybe IDK was special. It's the one song that when i first heard it my mind created Disney like scenarios where that tune would play in the back. I don't know why but when i listen to the song I always picture a man running running to the airport to keep the woman he loves from going away. I don't know if it's my favourite but for me it's one of the most beautiful ones!
I think my current Favorite is JT. It just has a way of resounding with me and the musicality and beauty of the song is just something else to me ..
Human hands down. Beautiful, raw, honest. Exactly how I feel. Also the acoustic made me cry.
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
only one and then why?
that's absolutely hard to do, like sometimes I'm just sick of being "human" lol
"this is a official apology from beautiful mind, we're sorry, if we're going ohveryorhed..."
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind After a long deliberation, I have chosen Stupid Deep. It always reminds me of who I am and whose I am. It feels like the moment you find hope in a dark situation.
Told myself I’m keeping my faith. If it costs me my reputation then take it; I give it all away.
Composition and sound wise definitely "Hand of God" and if i can only choose one (when it comes down to lyrics and meaning its "Weight of the World" for me. Simple and sweet & 80s films both also are all time favorites)
Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.
- Alan Watts
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind Munny Right
It just hits differently. The way it captures that struggle between chasing success and staying true to yourself is something I’ve always resonated with. The raw honesty in the lyrics, the self-doubt, the reflection. it’s one of those songs that makes you sit with your thoughts and really question what it all means.
The Human Kindness.
Can’t ask me to pick just one that’s like picking a favorite movie lol - between cautionary tales, hand of God, or simple and sweet after watching the behind the scenes for HOG and S&S tho … those have got to be a ton of people’s. Those behind the scenes really took my appreciation to the next level. Truly the man just has a gift from God.