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What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?
Human. I always either tear up or cry. It’s so honest and when I because diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2019 it felt more real.
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
This is quite literally impossible.
Overwhelming. DOPE. Hand of God.
But honestly, maybe Stupid Deep.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
Currently, KID AGAIN!
Upon hearing the few seconds of that beat and guitar, I knew my heartstrings would immediately strum along!
It wasn’t very soon after listening to the song for the first time I had broken in tears wondering, “Oh My Love, What Happened To Your Light?”?When he had released the song, during that brief time I was unaware of the things that would spiritually falter, dampen my light and cause me to fall, but I said fuck it and woke up!
I feel the Yah(Weh) back in my Soul and am ever so learning to let it take control!I feel the YAH back in Control!
I feel the YAH back in my Soul! -
me with my very obvious username, but blu acoustic means the world to me
I always have a hard time picking between Blu and CWMW. The Cove City versions of both slapped so hard, but if I can ONLY pick one I guess I will choose Blu
god thats sososo tough. it has changed so much throughout the years but i think right now id have to say lets begin? its just too hard that beat is DISGUSTING
idek what this is is it like a status update
Genuinely one of the hardest questions around, but I think I have to say Mah's Joint. I feel like every song has been my favorite at some point, but I feel like Mah's Joint just always brings a whole different level of music. The lyrics are super deep, and of course the mix of music is insanely deep and cohesive. Hand of God is another favorite because of the lyrics again. I also just think it might be the best outro song for an album with the inclusions of different parts of the previous songs in the album. Basically, Jon just writes the best album outro songs of all time.
@BeautifulMind I got married recently and it would have been something else before but ever since then it’s been Conversations with my Wife. It hits me hard on late nights like this thinking about how I’ll always someone that has my back no matter what.
@jordanc007 the cove city version of that song goes hard and is current my favorite
unfortunately for me since its not on streaming platforms, Titanic. it's just so ethereal and whimsical and vibey.
@catkeleghan ITS JUST SO PERFECT IDK!!
give me fever,
give me passion,
give me everything
✧♡︎✧ -
@catkeleghan ITS JUST SO PERFECT IDK!!
@BeautifulMind Mine is Hand of God - Outro. It's such an epic conclusion to THC and I love how all the songs come together
@Iskemik yess, i get chills every time
the absolute best finale to such a beautiful album
Stupid Deep is so special to me, especially the acoustic version.
However, Mah's Joint brings me to tears every single time I hear it.
I lost my mom in 2021 after a very long and difficult battle with a rare form of cancer, and that song perfectly captures the duality of emotions that I experienced, and still experience. The deep grief and sadness of having to continue living without your loved one, mixed with the relief that they are no longer in pain and that they are being welcomed with a party on the other side. Mourning the future that you will never get to share with them, while being comforted the memories you did make together. The sad "mama, mama" echoing in the background underneath the joyful cheers of a welcome party on the other side... It just hits deep in my soul."I know the demons in the room is gonna say it's more that I can chew, BUT NOW ALL I HEAR IS THE DINNER BELL."
@stupid_deep_22 I've always wondered if Jon kind of regretted giving away Trumpets to Jason Derulo so he was like "F it I'll just do another trumpet instrumental and make it even better with more meaningful lyrics". Luxury is goated.
@flyinglotus actually that makes a lot of sense
Hand of God will forever be my favorite because it drew me in immediately and opened up the door for me to give every other song a listen. Human is my other favorite because the very first line resonated with me in a way that no other song ever has. I felt understood from the first word to the last. and Mah’s Joint hits so hard because I watched my mom’s mom spend years slipping away due to alzheimer’s. and the song is so true. my mom took care of the house. my mom visited her and spoke with her daily despite her never remembering it. my mother was a mother to her mom.