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My Journey to Jon
We love a yapper. The forum can absolutely be overwhelming (ha), which is why I save most of my interaction for the evenings. But I'm so glad you posted, and shared that story. And for what its worth, people come and go- and now we're all connected and can be that new chapter of community.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
We love a yapper. The forum can absolutely be overwhelming (ha), which is why I save most of my interaction for the evenings. But I'm so glad you posted, and shared that story. And for what its worth, people come and go- and now we're all connected and can be that new chapter of community.
@OverwhelmMe that’s definitely what makes it all worth it, community and collaboration!! i appreciate what you said
give me fever,
give me passion,
give me everything
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Well I do hope you never have to interact with them again but I'm also grateful they introduced you to Jon because now we all know and love you too! There are no coincidences! Yap awayyyyy girl we hear you! And feel your words deeply too.
@catkeleghan i’m grateful to know you too!!! i will continue to randomly yap for sure, it’s in my blood
give me fever,
give me passion,
give me everything
✧♡︎✧ -
Ash, Never apologize for yapping.. The world is full of us and we all GET IT
The ones who don't are just haters, And you should ignores their asses.
It's crazy to think someone could just PULL UP THC for you, Because when I became a fan.. The only thing on his spotify were acoustic covers, and eventually guillotine 🤭. But I'm so glad you opened up your music pallette and are able to enjoy the different tones and moods of music
I also love that Jon's art gave you confidence, Openness to people, And that you found the joy so many of us feel from his "making of" videos
Thanks for sharing!@Dragus12 haha it is pretty crazy, it was right before GSP released. i’m so glad too because i managed to fall in love with jon’s music in time for the GSP tour and snagged some last minute tickets to his LA show which was one of my favorite moments of my life for sure
give me fever,
give me passion,
give me everything
✧♡︎✧ -
beautiful post and some beautiful words.
@GabbyW0205 thank you so much!!
give me fever,
give me passion,
give me everything
✧♡︎✧ -
@acorn this was amazing! Love the wordy-ness!!! Incredible story and insight! I’m glad you shared!
@acorn You still can be dude!!
@GabbyW0205 haha i appreciate that!! i am still dabbling in that realm of possibility for sure
give me fever,
give me passion,
give me everything
✧♡︎✧ -
I was one of the first few people on here when the initial website drop went live for the test run but since then I've kind of taken a back seat to the forum just because I get overwhelmed very easily. However, I wanted to take this time before I head to bed to share my journey to how I discovered Jon and how that went for me and how his music has made me feel. Feel free to reply with your own stories, though I'm sure this idea has been posted already so don't feel obligated either. Bare with me, I'm a yapper so this will be very wordy and very long.
I, like a lot of people, had only heard of All Time Low in my Junior year of high school. I didn't know who sang it, I just knew it was a good song and considered it very catchy. But I met some new people through my church who I went to school with and after getting closer to them and discussing things we enjoyed, they told me about Jon Bellion. I told them I had never heard of him and didn't know anything by him to which they replied telling me that that was dumb because I definitely did, thus them showing me All Time Low and causing the connection to form. After hearing that I enjoyed that song, they promptly pulled up the Human Condition and played it for me from start to finish. I am not sure which song struck me so deeply first but what I did know was upon hearing Hand of God, I knew I could never return to normalcy again.
The creativity and the flow of the entire album as a whole changed my outlook on music forever. I used to be kind of pretentious with my music choices, swearing up and down that it didn't matter how good the beat was, the lyrics had to be clever or meaningful or else the song wasn't worth listening to. While Jon's music definitely holds that quality, his actual musicality (if that's the proper term) was so solid and so good that it opened my eyes to all sorts of musicians I had never given a second thought. I was an emo kid who just listened to mostly depressing and intense music until that point; Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, Black Veil Brides, Green Day, etc. But Jon's music made me realize that if a song can also be fun, then that elevates it more than it distracts from the meaning. His music wasn't just powerful lyrically, it was powerful instrumentally. Don't get me wrong, those other punk/emo/alt bands also have powerful instrumentals but the way Jon pours his heart and soul into everything he releases, especially in more recent times like with THC and GSP just completely shifted my mind set. Now I listen to a plethora of different genres and I don't stick to broody or "hardcore" music just on the basis of pretentious and lowkey toxic ideologies of what classifies as "real music" to those that were around me.
Jon's music made me feel so deeply and so profoundly and as crazy as that may sound, I am so glad I was able to experience that shift in dynamic because his songs genuinely changed my life. His music gave me confidence I didn't know I had, it made me more open to trying new things and meeting new people. It became a comfort when I'm down and an excelerant when I'm up. I have a newfound appreciation for the craft and the process and I genuinely wish more artists would show their process because that all really kicked in for me when I started falling down the "making of" rabbit hole on YT. You can just see how much he enjoys creating and messing around with different ideas and I love seeing the moments when it finally clicks for him because he gets so genuinely excited about it. And he remains humble which is a hard thing to achieve for a lot of artists these days.
I'm sad to say that one of the people who brought Jon into my life is someone I hope to never have to interact with again but I am so glad that the one good thing to come out of meeting them was finding Jon's music because I don't know where I'd be without it. He's such a genuine guy with so much admirable passion for his craft and I wish more artists moved like he moves. Jon, if you see this, I just want to thank you for doing what you do and I'm so excited for your next moves.
Anyway, if you made it this far, I appreciate you and I hope your pillow is cold on both sides tonight
My bad about the length and wordyness of this post, 3 am makes me feel profound (lol)
Goodnight BM Forum, see you at the next release
@acorn Love this, aint ever too wordy you could double it and it'd be amazing. Love how you mentioned It broadened your taste in music, can definitely relate, Ed Sheeran gave me my love for music but damn Jon definitely broadened it more than I could ever imagine, I still remember going to his own spotify created playlist and man, he even has worship music in there. Hes just so diverse and whats hes been up to the last 6 years only proves that, cant wait to hear this new sound!
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@Dragus12 haha it is pretty crazy, it was right before GSP released. i’m so glad too because i managed to fall in love with jon’s music in time for the GSP tour and snagged some last minute tickets to his LA show which was one of my favorite moments of my life for sure