dream car has been and will always be a aston martin vantage with mightnight blue paint, pitch black windows, and orange lines seats
well just multiply that by 3 and well be all set haha

3 car garage -
Tell Me a StoryThey loved to laugh and play, until one day when that all went away! ~ throwin some drsuess scheams up in this bihhhh
fall into your bluelove the lyric callbacks lol, amazing how universally his music applies to everyone and are such perfect timing for the stages in our lives
Thick Of It Alldude yessss, been spammin little things by louis the child definitely scratches that itch, even scratches the early jon itch for me
shit is getting criticallmaooo, we need more promises cmon cmon, ill throw in mine, I promise to only listen to young gun until it drops... easy nuff
My Jon Production Playlistlets goooo lol, I just looked up a jon produced play list earlier but this really has it AALL, even the unreleased stuff, made a couple of those myself for my phone wonder if itll let me download it from yours
My eyes are here 24/7 -
Morning in America DANNY PHANTOM -
Called It Right x Waffle Housedef prob have somewhat the same structure, i remember I was surprised recently when my mom commented on Batistes raindance sounding like as long as you love me by justin beiber... low and behold they actually sampled it, guess ik where I got my music genes from haha
Obsessionyessss man, good shouts. man ima start putting together a playlist of all the songs mentioned here, yall legit pulling them ALL out
twitch...duuude, lets go havent been on twitch in a min ill def check it out, sent my follow alr, get some COD zombies and Ill be watching with eyes peeled haha
This could have been a released album 100% -
Group chat -how is everyone doing? -
Lucky numbers -
I would love to... -
Reading too much into thingshe said no more cryptic stuff from now on, but with that being said, yes I agree!
mainly because I NNEEEEED IIIIIT
Instagram -
Hold Faith -
Feature photo?@GabbyW0205 dude no shot?!?! Doesn’t surprise me too much with what he wearing but confirmation goes crazy, you know of cochren and co??? Woulda loved to see him on here