like old rain vids???? does he still make em??? man I'm so sad so much of my childhood was removed, miss apex's road to a killcam

feels like 2016 again -
What are we all doing?YESSSS haha, where you work? If we talkin like a walmart this bout to go crazy, introduce people to the unreleased some california eyes, 1990 and tangled webs loool
OTHER ARTISTS LIKE JON BELLION?Quinn XCII def hits that mark, im ngl beat wise honestly I've been vibing with Pharell and Dilla recently, for similarity def go more towards Pharell but man Dilla Delights been on repeat
Kid Again Acoustic/Live (repost)dude I want a whole cove city vibe of this next joint, but ik im dreamin haha, those live acoustic sessions are just always such a blessing to watch, just pure raw talent pouring out
new album instrumentals?THISSS, not only do I completely agree with it being less distracting but also just so inspiring and awesome to learn from
2 Car Garagehow tf did I not hear this... damn lmk if u figure it out Id love to hear who puts this out
Adult Swimyesss man the throwbacks where its at, got my dad actually listening to him with these bars, for the first time he wanted me to turn the radio UP haha
The Pharrell 4 count signature -
unreleased music@Isaac mannn I seriously just cant wait to hear this Pharrell joint, just seeing him sitting there gives me chills. this bout to be HEAT
I heard Jon on the radio a couple days ago!!!wait like Jons version... thats crazy it played over the og one had to be a workers phone or something thats so sick
Release Theory!he said no more cryptic stuff so im really just expecting it WHENEVER, but no doubt one of these theories gon hit were calling out everyday of the year basically between all of us haha, might as well throw out mine, got my money on march 17!!!! lets go!
so emotional all day....we love you man, were always here fr just wait till this Jon music drops and let it fill your soul
superman, thee gift & thee curse (remix)...dude gift and a curse is so beautiful, replayed that join so much for some time, the straight up rawness on that track will always get me
gathering some info about the track listnow this guy did his research... cant wait to hear italian pharoah fr, more so that pharell joint, ty for this really put together a lot here
thee good in me...i remember stupidly skipping this track for a min, man is it so good, never skip a Jon track no more, just replay until my taste acquires it haha
Alright Enough of That (Kid Again Theory)im banking on a remastered release, but this would be so dope to hear, really wanna see where father figure fits in
i'm sorry but....itll only ever be a temporary solution as annoying as that is to hear
itll only ever numb. Jesus will take it away and fill you with righteousness
The new Jon Bellion album -
still in my feelings....Ik this was a hot minute ago, but hope youre doing good man fr fr, just understand feelings are temporary, and seek God he will always be more than willing to give peace, just dont hold onto anything give it all to him homie
Kid Again