Aye love learning stuff like this, always so beautiful to see the minds behind the scenes, haven’t heard of him before this post and damn… you were wrong about recognizing some, he’s got his hand in A LOT

App Logo Changing? -
@user12261990 -Jon we miss u@GabbyW0205 I don’t feel it, but I know I am, just here to distract, was gonna wait till Sunday but this is the better between two evils rn. Nothing horrible lol, just other vices I shouldn’t turn to
rip kid again -
rip kid againI thought I was untouchable at first living high on Spotify, turns out he can touch that too
Better days aheadAye you too mang, love to see the wholesome posts still, actually can feel nice to read throughout the day
@user12261990 -Jon we miss u@GabbyW0205 when the crippling depression comes, so do I
THC Album ArtworkHand of God man, they’re all so so beautiful, but that Hand of God one just hits different, want it framed lool
Competition -
@user12261990 -Jon we miss uTbh he did say he’d be here weekly to biweekly, we’ve been blessed in comparison, but hey who knows maybe he’ll get addicted like I seem to be doing rn🫠
are you guys musicians?@MusikByNiko got in my head and privated them all, undone, well for that one haha lmk
Take care <3Ik this kinda a “who asked” post lool, but so ain’t 90% of my posts.
This forum just brought something out of me recently that I haven’t had for a long time. And now it feels as though God is telling me to be quiet and get ready for this next chapter in my life, which I definitely am not doing on this forum haha. But fr, I have things I wanna pursue in my life and something’s telling me if I don’t before this next album comes I never will.
Have even had some crazy undeniable supernatural experiences that I won’t go into bc it always makes me feel it’ll scare people away from faith who aren’t into God bc they’ll just chalk me up to a crazy and use me as evidence to continue denying our beautiful loving Father.
So I got like a whole 2 weeks probably to pursue before Jon drops it judging by his recent posts.
Frfr though, I gotta say this forum has been a amazing experience, the only social I’ve ever USED besides facebook when I was like 12.
Thank you so much for everybody being so accepting, so many genuine beautiful BEAUTIFUL BEAU-TI-FULLL(can’t stress enough) minds here. Don’t let your lights burn out and always seek God, keep your kid alive but also don’t try to “stay forever young, that’s a race that’s never won, time is just way to strong”
God will hold you up even when you can’t hold yourself up, his yolk is easy compared to anything else you’re carrying in your life. Give yourself to Him I promise you won’t be disappointed. Nobody took His life, He handed it over, do the same, hand it to Him. One of my favorite lines I've heard throughout the years was, I didn't want my life, so I gave it to someone who did. And if I'm gonna do that, I need to actually be His limb and let His will be done not mine.
Just always remember we don’t worship a feeling, some days you won’t feel Him and it'll be demotivating, but we worship the one true God. He's always there in the fire with you weather you feel Him or not.
Anyways I’ll stop or I’ll go forever lool, thank you so much again everybody for being so beautiful and accepting, you’ve really genuinely changed something in me by being so loving. I mean I shared my music for the first time bc of yall, something my ocd and anxiety wouldve never let happen before this.
@GabbyW0205 take care of the forum haha, make sure you get Jon to make a beanie for me, a BREATHABLE beanie not that thick hot stuff!️
️ gbye to all the friends I've made for now, hope to see yalll on the other side someday! Yall really mean more to me and did more for me than u understand, as random and dumb as that is for some internet forum. God bless
What are Yall's Favorite Jon Bellion Projects?oh man, been saying it on every post but Young Gun all day, Worship is prob my fav produced of all time but Young Gun will forever hold a special place in my heart. Raindance and Meant to Live are OBVIOUSLY so close too haha, really hard to choose tbh
Garden of Eden? -
Praise God, Praise God, ohlooooool, yessss I remember when I first got married and this song changed to much to me, so beautiful how his music flows with different stages of your life, because well... were all human and he was once at that stage in life writing about it haha, amazing
TestimonyJon didnt necesarrily bring me to God, but hes definitely shown me down some paths I needed to escape different ways I was stuck in my head, also just solidified my faith so much. Love to see how many people hes brought to God its truly so beautiful, and can't wait to see this next album put God on the main stage frfr
The Making of..... Jon..?and he said hes gonna make em longer now!!!! letsgoooo man was worried about not getting these aswell couldnt be more pumped
Where my FaZe peeps @@Raul yesss man same, apex was first, then adapt was my main go too, loved that kid and still remember him being recruited to faze on a road to illcams by apex on ghosts, man such memories, sad to see what adapt and the entire org has become but hey wont ever change the core memories we had, still rememebr the day I got into a S&D with apex and will never forget haha, love to see how many people were brought together by that one clan, logic in the early days was also crazy was a big 44 bars fan, also sad to say how much his music lacks a punch when you back and listen to it now
Fan Art of Jon I made awhile back@gunki duuude this is so sick, the background remind me of one of those retro solo cups haha, and I mean that in the best way I LOVE that design, would love to see more from you
Rizz ‘em with the ‘tism@kimberly.hampshire can get this completely, recently started just being me and not caring, but thats just a blessing from the grace of God nothing I learned or did myself, just always keep God in the forefront
weve got so many accepting beautiful minds here theres no reason to ever be scared to share anything... well maybe not anything haha but you know what I mean, just be yourself, I think Jons fan base more than any other that Ive known celebrates authenticity and just being yourself all around