thannnnk you, absolute legend over here, now i just need that dope video of him in the studio spittin it haha

KID AGAIN Backup -
Minneapolis Lovenever saved my life directly in one instance, but definitely saved my life over the long run by being there for me and motivating me throughout, I wuoldnt have 1/10th the passion for music I have if it wasnt for his. Also the messages ab out God and faith always keep me pushin
Hand of God Outro A Cappellatbh never a big acapella fan, but man you might make me one if you start bringing in that production haha, fr though that sounded so dope you still doing any acapella stuff?
KID AGAIN IS SOOO GOOODI think its gonna all be to glorify God, the sounds were gonna hear are gonna be so refreshing and new. especially with all the genres hes been exploring during these last 6 years, hes bringing so much sounds together and about to blow us away. The best way I've found to describe it is folk, I truly think Jon is bringing back the folk music aka the music of the people
For a very dear friend of mine…never lose hope he might pop on, but incase he doesnt get back relay to look into the music and he wont feel pain, big lessons I learn from wood stock, what if who I hoped to be was always me another great line, but nothing hits me more than that young gun truck combined with kid again, so much encouragement right in those themselves, hope nothing but the best for you and your friend, sending prayers and blessing that your friend may find his way
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?cautionary tales if just his songs, Worship if it can be off another joint, but Raindance and Young Gun come so fkn close in that ballpark too
POSTPARTUM DEPRESSIONHe did say there will be a few, but then specific a FEW loool, I really think this next joint is gonna put God on the forefront. But I’ve been saying the same, post partum depression is one of the hardest things I’ve heard from him, such an insane piece to just one off with. Like the man said, count your blessing that he considers rap a fkn hobby
Snake Competitive League SCL ($5.32 Grand Prize)@AP
let’s go, but worth it right?!?! Anything to push off that darn homework, I’d rather run a marathon when the homework’s sitting infront of me, besides the first 2 minutes of the school year where I really thought I’d just ace the whole joint
Show in Spain?would def be sick considering he loves his heritage, prob gotta p dope for his family to go to a show of his there to if they came, still remember seeing them on the balcony in terminal 5, def wanna build up a savings for such shows I saw him mentioning going to Latvia... like what?!?!!
GOOD TV SHOWS RN@PaperPlanes39 oh my… PLEASE if you like survivor check out Outlast, it’s 4 teams of 4 that get dropped and the last TEAM to survive wins, the only rule is you can’t go alone for more than 24 hr or your out so it adds a bunch of layers. Extracted is also SICKKKK, people with barely any surviving experience get put out in alone style and their families are watching them together in a room sending them resources to survive and the families have a say when the people leave by “extracting” them
Jon Bellion’s NachosYesss I feel this, so ocd with my food, need the perfect spread of everything on there, sit there making sure it looks beautiful before devouring haha