@elizabethmoravek grey/black and white or vintage looking haha, just guessing from his insta but who really knows

Color scheme for new album -
What video games are yall on at the moment?@LIFE that bring this to a whole new level, I genuinly thought there was only a set ammount of spots it took from google earth and it cycled through them, not that it took anything away because It hought there was tens of thousands, but man that just makes it even crazier, so youre essentially learning the vibe of the place and guessing ti off that?? I remember seeing someone doing GRADIANT guesses and thought that was just absurrrrd lmaoo, and for being drunk you explained it pretty damn good
Color scheme for new album@its_nat07 nah exactly, and way more so THE MESSAGE OF THE SONG, like that was CLEARLY celebration of being back and in my opinion he just wanted to get something out for us ASAP bc he knew how long wed been waiting and knows how die hard his fan base is. He respects us, while he likes his privacy I also dont think hes tryna ignore us, he knows we miss him. It (TO ME) was so clearly just a one off WE BACK celebration to get ready for the next era/chapter to come
ICELAND@Djavan I don’t think I could either, but then when I ask myself if I would care still in 6 years/ if I’d give up caring. Man I know the answer right away!!
We’re close.@User12261990 let’s goooo! Love you Jon!! Put God on that main stage babyyy
ICELAND@TheMcConchie bro geogussrs are another breed, been talking to a pro on here and it’s crazy how they can just get the vibe of the place and insta know, saw a mode where u literally get a 0.1 sec flash of the area… like what…
Answer 2 Questions! -
Thank You Jonlove to hear the inspiration for faith, he is calling so many people home to God and I think this next sound is gonna do that 10 fold, get ready for God to be put on the main stage. Janko podcast was so amazing and provided so freaking much motivation for this stuff.
A bit controversial…Yeah man, giving all time low flashbacks, just showed the wife the OG version recently, crazy how different it is, this next mastering bout to go crazy no doubt
Song and Color Association?I mean it has to just be Blu here too, but the hand of god artwork will always be some of the most beautiful artwork I’ve seen for a song
anyone staying up with me?still up here??? hbu? been about 16 days since I've seen a minute of shut eye and Im still holding strong!!! got another 27 im thinking..
Simple & Sweet / Kid Again MV Parallelsagreed prob just coincidence, but is still a cool shot from such a time difference. Good find ty for sharing
So much outrage over Kid Again Lmao I love itfrrr, tried to get around it using my top songs of 2024 on spotify but just all greyed out and depressing..
Any Beautiful Minds still minding? (another midnight loners check)Not really tryna make this an everynight thing just can’t sleep again and feeling in the slums of my mind, anyone else awake here wanna chitty chatt hmmmm, wyd rn, what u have for dinner? Got any funny memes?? Lmk brothaaa
Album Today?????????loool, he dictates our sleep! havent gone to bed before midnight in 3 months now.... not rly haha but man I wish I could set a alarm from spotify to wake me up if anything drops
Any Beautiful Minds still minding? (another midnight loners check)@Amariez10585 he’ll see something eventually, wether that’s a reply or a like it’ll happen he’ll read something
Sharing my music here bc I would die if Jon heard itman good production, aye keep God in the forefront and I have no doubt He will bring yall together, hes doing it all over music rn its beautiful to see, only more collabs to be had!