Keep it up for good, this is my new internet!

This is BM social media -
As a theory, what do you believe that “The Human Condition” entails?@magnoliawhites yes man suffering is so huge, figuring out the right way to trade it for worthwhile things when you can is key great take
Glad Jon Is BackFr been itching for more of those shows, so amazing, shout to House of Blues such a dope venue, wil never forget the encore and water spraying, and the crowd smushing to the front man I thought peeps were gonna pass out
Any beautiful minds still up? (Midnight loners check)@OverwhelmMe i couldnt think of uncrustables for the life of me was gonna list it somad
Glad Jon Is Back@adamsandler nahhh but I’ve been for another artist, I think it was a Forrest Frank show, but might be confusing it
When is your birthday? I’m a Libra@GabbyW0205
Snake -
Jon changed my perspectiveand he is the same!!!! bum dum dumm haha nah fr though ive brought that video up a few times on the forum I love it so much I owe so much to that video, I analyzed it toooo much and woodstock was my fav for a whiiile, when his buddy comes in and plays the guitar for it jeeeez man was I hooked
He’s Dropping!!!@kaelanbhj as someone who fell asleep at 5 am last night, CONCURANCES MY BROTHER
TGIF@kozmikblooz gooood morning, good mornniiiiiing, we’ve talked the whole night throuuugh!!
Jon bellion and Tyler Joseph playing basketball 1v1excuse me??? loool, the bread is a must orrr??? I will say when I was a kid and walking around with all my turkish boys they were always traveling with bread and that loaf was MINT, also yes i would love to see a for fun game of Jon at all playing some bball with tyler joseph 10x better
Jon, BMF, and therapy@OverwhelmMe absolutely agreed, cant upvote anymore but +1 wholesome post lool, this forum has added such a light into my life throughout the day, never really had socials before and now I feel like a teenager on myspace lol
California Eyes!!!!!Yes yes yes, people asking fav unreleased tracks and this and tangled webs are always the main two for me, post partum depression always gets a mention but I just love em all lol
Dream Setlist?@Queenmikaykay remember when I got into Jon I wanted Woodstock live SOOOO BAD, was my fav song, new one is cautionary tales but Ive seen that on GSP so might honestly still be woodstock, maybe Kid Again or Crop Circles, or even a unreleased joint like tangled webs. Final virdict, Kid Again, but Id geek out the most if he started playing Tangled Webs...
New Album Cover Artthat would be insane, also interested to hear this but I'm out here hoping for even a track count, I damn well know he aint giving such spicy details
My Journey to Jon@acorn Love this, aint ever too wordy you could double it and it'd be amazing. Love how you mentioned It broadened your taste in music, can definitely relate, Ed Sheeran gave me my love for music but damn Jon definitely broadened it more than I could ever imagine, I still remember going to his own spotify created playlist and man, he even has worship music in there. Hes just so diverse and whats hes been up to the last 6 years only proves that, cant wait to hear this new sound!
Listening Party/Jam Sessions-Discord -
besides music, what else has jon exposed you to?@uhmaybeidk Dragonball, never was into anime, still not really, grew up watching Kanto region pokemon but that was it. Friend got me into Hunter x Hunter then heard him referencing DBZ all over the place, tbh still havent given Z to fair of a try, but I love the OG dragonball series so much kid goku allll day babyyy
Where did Jon go?!@kimberly.hampshire to make more nachos 🫠
What is your favorite making of video?Goooood question, the 3 in one all time low, Woodstock, and woke the f up became my means to learn production so it HAS to be that, the amount of analyzing I did to that video from DAWS to plugins to equipment, that session was BLESSED, guillotine also so high up there though