@User12261990 a lot of people (myself included) discovered your music when you opened up for twenty one pilots, so the best decoders in the world are now your fans so excuse us for maybe reading into things too much
artMore than anything I just want to say thank you to Jon and everyone for creating the works that they have created. I have a really big appreciation for art and for the passion that gets put into all of Jon's music, and not just ones that he releases himself. I play a fun little game with myself when new music comes out and I try to listen for tracks that Jon produced. I'm pretty good at this point at finding his records and it has kept me tied over while I wait for a new release. This will be my first Jon Bellion album release that I have actually witnessed firsthand since I found him after THC and was off the grid as a missionary for GSP. The artistry not only of the music itself but behind the process and the making of videos really confirms the God-given talent you have for songwriting and producing. There really is nobody better in the game than you, and I truly believe that one day the effect you have had on music will be studied by musicians looking to create at your level. To be a fly on the wall in your studio would be an absolute dream. Much love brother.