Yeah me too, I have a music studio in my house with some awesome studio monitors (really nice speakers) so we r prolly gonna have the listening party there. All my friends like Jon so we've all been so hyped ever since kid again.

Anybody got special plans for when the album drops? -
JB3 NEXT SINGLE RELEASE DATE CONFERMEDHe is dropping March 19th. This has been confirmed by this post. In summery, a fan bumped into Jon in a grocery store and in the conversation he revealed to said fan when the next single will drop. Said fan said to look at the pinned posts for a clue. All of the newer posts have been pinned until March 19th therefore if everyone is telling the truth, Jon will 100% be dropping March 19
Favorite part of any Jon Bellion songWhat are y'all's favorite part of a jon bellion song?
Personally mine is the bridge of overwhelming, it complements the rest of the song so well, and it is genuinely such a happy but at the same time emotional segment. @User12261990 What is your favorite song, or favorite part of a song that you have written/produced/made? I'm Curious.
JB3 NEXT SINGLE RELEASE DATE CONFERMEDIn addition, almost immediately after asking the forum if he should take a new approach, he posts the two things he did yesterday relating to his shoes, both which were pinned for march 19
QuestionHey yall, I'm a producer/songwriter/artist and I have my first session scheduled with a real artist. @User12261990 do you have any tips for running a smooth and productive session?? I really want this to go well, and I've never had a session with any real artists before so literally anything would be helpful. thanks
Jon look at thisHi @User12261990 I know you have used logic pro in the past from the making of vids. It would be cool af if you gave us the logic session for one of you old songs, similar to how there are demo sessions of songs in logic already (past examples are ocean eyes by Billie eilish, Montero by lil Nas x, colors by beck, and a ton more). I would understand if you didn't want to but all of my fellow producers in your fan base would love it.
kid againBasically jon removed kid again from streaming services as part of the album rollout, it should be back eventually. One of the best ways to catch up is to look at jons posts, mostly everything big that happens on the forum comes from him.
Why Kid Again was taken down... I think -