@magnoliawhites wasn’t the same show then;
still cool!

WVU Fall Fest 2019 -
WVU Fall Fest 2019Was this the Halloween bash in Huntington? I was also there!
I also saw him at a pop up show in NYC the same year. It was hosted by Verizon
Where is everyone from?@User12261990 this stop is Huntington. The next stop is Syosset
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨@User12261990 me 10000000000%
Any college advice?@User12261990 I think I got you beat at FTC. 35 days
Randy@User12261990 post a pic of him we haven’t seen him in years
User12261990 Really Jon? Prove it!it’s him.
as is the insta acc user12261990
he’s posted stories about this a few days ago -
Jon & I 12/2017@chels i remember literally crying afterwards LOL
How Did Yall Discover Jon?@User12261990 I can’t wait to hear it!!!
check out my post in mems! -
Who has talked to Jon?I did after drewapalooza for a little bit. he’s truly so kind.
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@karthik is it still on Spotify??? That’s where I’ve been listening to it. When he plays live again I hope he performs it
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@Stang8 haha thanks ! I’m still figuring this out so im scrolling through everything still
I feel like a grandma lol -
collection dump!@ceta cetaaaaaaaa!!!!
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@Stang8 fr fr
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@BeautifulMind woodstock 🤭
Jon & I 12/2017@User12261990 meant to tag u in the actual post
im feelin like a grandma on here figuring this out lol.
When did you discover Jon?honestly can’t remember, sometime in 2016 I think.
Where is everyone from?from south Brunswick, NJ!
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨New Jersey!
Jon & I 12/2017Met Jon after Drewapalooza in 2017. We chatted about myself wanting to do audio recording, and getting accepted into Five Towns College. Although I ended up leaving FTC and changing courses, it’s still a conversation that I hold near and dear to me. Looking forward to what’s next!!