Mah’s Joint. “When my mother was a mother to her mum”. Wow. Just wow. Those words hit deep, stupid deep. Haha see what I did there? Late on the forum for me now maybe time to sleep.

Song that's resonated with you more deeply as you've gotten older? -
EDM and Jon Bellion@ihnenkate Awesome! I remember someone geeking out about how you can hear Jon Bellion’s voice on Justin Bieber’s ‘Anyone’ in the lead vocal for a split second, in addition to the background vocals of course. Stuff like that is what I live for as a Jon Bellion fan.
The way he uses the chef emoji when talking about producing and writing on instagram stories for literally the largest tracks in the world is so fitting and wholesome too. Chef’s kiss.
Core memory:Hearing the strings hit on ‘Carry Your Throne’ for the first time. Magnetically Majestic. You owe yourself to give the ending a relisten, 2:03 mark and out. Goosegumps 🥹🪿🪿🪿
classic reworkStill wearing my Beautiful Mind THC red dad hat when playing piano. Puts me right into the ‘Jon Bellion making of’ spirit as I call it.
Honestly that hat makes me feel like a kid again, like I can do anything.
Kid Again CollageMade this and posted it on Reddit a while back. Thought I’d post here as well.
The slowed version of ‘Kid Again’ with a visualiser like this is also available on Reddit Kid Again Slowed for people who love those versions! -
EDM and Jon BellionThen you’re in for a treat my bro. Go listen to ‘Little Things’ by Louis The Child. Jon Bellion wrote it and is all over it. I mean… his voice is literally the rhytmic foundation of the track it’s wild. And also I guess you of course all know Obsession?
The real question…Are we getting making of videos of the new album? Otherwise I won’t unlock that second listening level. It’s essential at this point. Imagine if they were integrated into Spotify or something. Or are we approaching a Beautiful Mind streaming service at this point?
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?We all know the answer to this. What’s special about Jon Bellion is there is no favourite song. Like in Kung Fu Panda how there is no secret ingredient. His artistry is more about a way of being – it’s all about being in a constant excited awe, a presence of spirit that you witness in the ‘making of’ videos, that you also feel when listening. Point being they’re all good. If I have to pick though, the greats are Wonder Years (my nieces blowing bubbles in the yaard), Stupid Deep, Hand of God, Luxury, Guillotine. I’d also add that some of the melodies on The Definition are so iconic they’re engraved in my mind! And the rapping on Adult Swim… woooph