God of peace, come and crush the enemy underneath my feet
A dream of ours@Zeonder Absolutely brother ! Id love to share, especially after gaining my new found confidence in my music. Go ahead and add my instagram acc “Devinhub”. I’ll keep a look out for the follow 🫡
A dream of ours@Zeonder i would be super grateful to hear some ideas from someone who’s as passionate as I am about music ! I love hearing the different ways people find to tell story’s through words and melodies. I’m in a super similar situation actually , I’ve been sitting on a song I haven’t quite figured out yet. Never to late to find your light.
A dream of ours@Zeonder I’m willing to bet you have some pretty dope songs cooked up in your notes app haha !
A dream of oursIs there anyone else that constantly thinks about how beautiful of an experience it would be to sit down with Jon and make music. Something simple but yet powerful like coffee and guitar early morning, letting the mind run wild.