Hey Jon @User12261990 ,
How has you relationship with Tyler and Josh changed or developed? Are you guys still friends? What have you thought about the way they've interacted with their fans through their music and storyline?
Hey Jon @User12261990 ,
How has you relationship with Tyler and Josh changed or developed? Are you guys still friends? What have you thought about the way they've interacted with their fans through their music and storyline?
I remember being a sophomore in hs when I first heard Jon. Pretty surface level “All Time Low”. I didn’t understand why he was getting so popular. The summer before senior year of high school I found his BTS videos and it was over. I was dating a girl that lived a nice drive away so I blasted through every song I could find. A couple months into my senior year I felt broken and depressed. Jon’s music pulled me through so I started sharing his music with other people. One of them, my friend Jacob. I didn’t know it at the time but Jacob was really struggling with ideations and depression. Jon had just released “Stupid Deep” and I told him to go listen to it. A few months after that we had a kid that decided not to live anymore and Jacob told me that the day I showed him “Stupid Deep” was the day he was gonna end it. God put Jon in my path to put Jon in others paths. Thank you Jon for saving me and my friend.
Favorite song is probably Crop Circles
Favorite song he's worked on is probably Stacy or Life Moves On by Quinn XCII