@User12261990 BRING IT
Video of me rapping with Jon@umjammy Ikr!! Louis had some insane photos from that tour. He was so excited to show me that pic right after he took it. Hope bro is doing well, he was really cool and super talented photographer
Video of me rapping with Jon@carolynashley lmaooooo nah thats hilarious haha. Thats so cool for her still!
I am so glad he was nice to me, bc I tried to grab the mic at first and he looked so mad and I was like "omg im so sorry im nervous"... but then when he saw I actually knew the lyrics he smiled and that made me feel much better hahaha
Video of me rapping with Jon@martin_def Thank you
brother!! -
Video of me rapping with Jon@Zeonder Yessirrr. Haha Cautionary Tales would be a great one to do. I think if I could pick one now, I'd pick Let's Begin. And man listen I cant even explain how many times I would rap NY Soul Pt 2 in my car on my drives back and forth from college to make sure I didn't flub the lyrics
I rapped with Jon@Zeonder just uploaded!
Video of me rapping with JonThank y'all! My fav part is Travis looking on like a proud father haha
Video of me rapping with JonOn the original post I made for this, I forgot to include the video of me rapping NY Soul Pt 2 with Jon
Someone on the thread asked for footage so here it is:
click this link!!!@User12261990 run it back at your next show?
Shoutout to Mr. Louis Coppola for one of the toughest photos ive ever been in hahaha. -
I rapped with Jon@tstewart30 so he was passing me the mic back and forth in the front row instead of me being “on stage”
I rapped with Jon@Zeonder I do have footage! I will have to figure out how to upload it here if possible.
And the only unfortunate part was Jon actually said he had stopped bringing people “on stage” by that point of the tour, bc the last time he brought someone on stage to rap, they knew none of the words and killed the whole vibe of the show haha.
I rapped with JonI hope this post fits in this forum but in 2017 at the Columbia show on the Human Condition Tour Part 3, I rapped with Jon on NY Soul Pt 2. To this day, the coolest memory of my life.
Jon if you see this, just wanted to say thanks so much for making a dream come true back then.
And if you're coming to the Carolinas or Atlanta again on your next tour -- let's run it back with Let's Begin or a new hip hop banger