Stop fighting shadows baby
Maybe idk and maybe that’s okay
I’m a cross between hard work and Jesus anointed
tiaraalize 0
@tiaraalize 0
Jon Line that describes your life right now -
Unreleased songs that need to be releasedDUDE.. SHADOWS!!! without a doubt. That song means so much to me “stop fighting shadows baby”
How old are we?😆I’m 20! Turn 21 in 3 months and I’ve been listening to Jon since I was in 7th grade. My entire adolescence memory is linked to Jon’s music and videos hes put out
Did you anticipate the 6 year break?I literally was obsessed with GSP still am to this day and then when I feel it was released it went platinum in my house. I filled up the time with the videos posted on jons Instagram of all his acoustic performances with the band. Need to see more things like that from him. But 6 years… no absolutely not